I have a dear friend that runs a bLog site about recovering from toxic people, particularly criminal offenders within the family. Her website is www.familyarrested.com, and I invite anyone who is struggling with a friend or family member who is toxic to visit this site. Joyce's own story is so harrowing that it's almost unbelievable, but every word of it is true.
Familyarrested.com was developed to support and encourage family members and friends of people who had not only commited crimes and been convicted, but for those who had family or friends that had committed crimes and had gotten away with them. It's also about supporting people who have an emotionally (or, civil) criminal offender in their inner circle.
This morning, I read an article that Joyce had written about finding peace after experiencing tremendous loss. Without going into huge detail, this article was posted at this time because of whatever reason - but, the contents resonated and have given me some HUGE relief about the people that I have allowed to take up space in my life. Many of these people have been 100% toxic and predatory. Others are toxic without knowing that they are. But, regardless, the basic message was that I can't have any room for PEACE to grow if all of the space in my head and heart is being taken up with toxicity. That's what I was trying to get to with this particular post, above.
Here's a link to this insightful and enheartening article: http://familyarrested.com/finding-peace/comment-page-1/#comment-2613
Please, visit this amazing bLog site and take in the knowledge and wisdom if you're struggling with any of these issues.