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    BUNNYpants and SIPPYcup - Eclectic Menagerie

BUNNYpants and SIPPYcup - Eclectic Menagerie
by Aharleygyrl

306 blog entries; 17 entries per page; 1 pages; viewed 1,824,677 times
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  • Fire The Grid   by  Aharleygyrl     17 y     3,515       13 Messages Shown       Blog: BUNNYpants and SIPPYcup - Eclectic Menagerie


    Ok, after watching all 7 youtubes by this fire the grid woman, I was not impressed.  I thought I was going to be.  The first 3 or 4 of them were pretty good.  But, she started to lose me at #5.  I still had hope at #7, but by the end it was gone.

    My concerns are:

    1.  She failed to convince me that light beings came into her bathroom and told her a whole bunch of specific things to do.

    2.  On her website, she refers to "source" and "intention".  It just sounded too much like Wayne W. Dyer's "Power Of Intention" videos I saw on PBS a couple years ago (which were extremely hard to follow). 

    3.  She keeps speaking on the videos how she was told to do everything for free.  But, she says, "I received guidance to contact Oprah Winfrey" (see below), then where did she get the money to take out a full page ad i the Chicago Tribune?  She says the resources were manifested.  She doesn't say who the guidance came from, was it the light beings?  Are they Oprah fans?  One thing that is bothersome to me, she gets very specific on what these light beings tell her while she is in her bathtub, but on other things, she is not specific.

    "Some time ago I received guidance to contact Oprah Winfrey, a well known talk show host in the United States of America. I was told that Ms. Winfrey was the single most influential person amongst the fence sitters, and was also told how to reach her. The instructions were simple: take out a full page ad in the Chicago Tribune, a major newspaper in the US. I was shown what the ad looked like and what to include. The resources needed to place the full page ad were manifested in only 24 hours and we were secheduled for publication on Wednesday May 9, 2007."

    So far, I have not seen that Oprah is partaking in this.  I have noticed that the website has a place for everyone to give their names and addresses and such.  So, I am waiting to see if this woman will ask for money later or write a book, have a tv show, whatever.  Maybe she will be the next Oprah.

    4.  websites cost money.  I see no ads on hers and you have to pay for that.  I see the site was created by  Sight and Touch©.  If you go to it, it says "coming soon"  But, I see references (links) at the bottom, so maybe they buy space on the site.  This is not a big concern, but just that she says everything has to always be done for free, and that just sounds a little strange to me. 

    5.  Did anything come from all the meditating done on July 17th?  If you could not make the meeting on that day, the light beings said you could write on a piece of paper that you release your soul to attend the meeting and that you have to sign it.  I'm sorry, sounds too weird to me.  Are corporate fat cats and the government going to partake and help change the world for the better.  I would have to see that to believe it.  I am waiting to see if anything new will transpose from the event. 

    6.  Where have these light beings been all this time?  When they came into this woman's bathroom while she was in the bathtub (this is where she talks to them), they told her the "energy in the ripe".  She says we have to wait until 2012 now and then "Global Council" is going to funnel the money to save the earth and that it won't be us who does it, but the "Ingido children"  (I don't know who they are).  Who will be collecting this money?  Will the wealthy be affected or do they just get to go on living how they do? 

    As times goes on, the world becomes more polluted and chaotic, and people look for answers, for something to believe in that will save them.  Back in the 80's, many followed Jim Jones.  Jim bakker also had a huge following.  Is there anything that is going to get us out of this except the reality of cleaning up the earth through ending capitalism.  Many people want something to collectively reach our consciousness and for us to heal the earth.  The fact is, we got in this mess from greed and the rich have all the money it takes to clean it up.  They are not giving up their money.  Jim Jones' idea was just to die.  You know what, the way people are so easily led, Shelley Yates (Fire The Grid) could do the same thing if she wanted.  She could get masses of people to follow her beliefs, then have them all move to a certain area, then sacrifice themselves to go to a better place.  People are that lost and disgusted with the world.  Sadly, the state of the world is all due to greed and creating a society of rich vs poor.   

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    • I Knew It...   by  Aharleygyrl     17 y     1,058

      I just saw this on another blog.  She is writing books.  Well, at least now she will have all the money she needs and the light beings will stop asking her to do everything for free, right?  To me, it is a cult like any other cult.  She developed this following because of desperate times and desperate people.  Eventually, She will easily have the power to lead millions to Guyana to drink grape kool-aid.  It is no mistake that she is gathering all your names and addresses and putting the word "register" in quotes.  If you think this so-called "global council" she says she is going to form and these indigo children she says are going to collect all the money to save the world, well you deserve what you get, less money in your wallet is all.

      Dear Friends,

      We are on the brink of a new mindset, a world energy movement that will propel us into a bright and boundless future. Now is the time when we will consciously choose the direction we wish to take as we move into this monumental event and close the first chapter of Fire the Grid. I say the first chapter as I have new information which has been coming since March 2007, a second project in which we can apply our freshly open hearts and minds to rebuilding the earth in the manner which is befitting of the Divine race of humans which we truly are.

      This second phase of Fire the Grid is called Project Cause. The details are still assembling. The same way I received the information about Fire the Grid I am receiving the instructions of how to make the second part of this incredible event realistic and achievable.

      We have been working on the Fire the Grid project for over two years now and we have followed the Light Beings' instructions and done all we have done for free. We have millions of people in over 90 countries participating in our world meditation to lift our personal vibrational fields and assist our earth, our home to enter a state of healing. This was and is truly a project of Love. The vision to see the world come together in love for one hour is about to happen. This is wondrous in itself. The mere fact that millions of people will unite for this one hour has made Fire the Grid astounding even before we even perform our intent. Imagine what we can do when many more millions of us come together to make the second part of Fire the Grid our truth. If three people and no budget can make this incredible world event happen, I see Project Cause raising the bar even higher. We will become NEW WORLD PARTICIPANTS as we boldly declare that we desire a new and better world in which to live and raise our children.

      I want to take this opportunity to announce to everyone that there is indeed more to come. I am working diligently to make Project Cause a reality and share the exciting news with everyone. A bit of time is required to make this new project take form so I can present it in a manner that shows us all how possible it is to create that which we so desire: a world of abundance for all, sharing and caring for each other and for our world resources, a world full of peace and prosperity for every living being on the planet. Fire the Grid is about raising our vibration and keeping us in the frequency of Love. With Project Cause we will now take that loving vibration and apply it tangibly to the world to make all our visions of the earth come true.

      I will use the Fire the Grid site as a launching point to introduce Project Cause in a few short weeks, by early September if all goes according to plan. I am also in the process of writing a book about my life experience and I will post information about this as it comes on my own personal website which is being built over the summer. I have several books coming that may be of interest to people and am eager to share them with each of you as they are born.

      I invite you to check back at this site towards the end of the summer so you can discover what Project Cause is all about and how you and your family can get involved. There are many diverse and exciting ideas we will be able to apply to make our world evolve into what it was meant to be. I am excited knowing that there is still more to come and I look forward to sharing all I have.

      I would also like to share my personal joy at seeing so many wonderful people sharing their love with the world. When I started Fire the Grid I remember saying “I just don’t know how all this will work, but here goes...!” The same wonder resides in my thoughts about Project Cause but the sharing I have experienced from the entire world has renewed my faith that together we are a powerful entity, as ONE we can do and create anything. Thank you all so much for coming together and making this vision our reality.

      I also encourage you to "register" your voice after you Fire the Grid by sharing both your greatest joy and your own experience on July 17 at 11:11 GMT. You can do this as an individual or as a group, and will be the beginning stages of a new worldwide online community of like-minded, high vibratory individuals. The coming days and months will be exciting times indeed and this community will blaze the trail for our children's future.

      I leave you with a quote from Edgar Cayce regarding rebuilding the world, he said, “Peace in the world must begin first within the heart and purpose and mind of the individual…[for] as individuals change themselves and their interactions with one another, eventually the world cannot help but follow.” I say that Fire the Grid is a show of hands of how many like-minded individuals really do desire this change. Together, as a critical mass, we are about to birth a brand new humanity.

      My deepest respect and Love to all,

      Shelley Yates

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      • got a phone call   by  Aharleygyrl     17 y     1,039
        a few weeks ago i got a phone call from the east coast. the lady asked why i was so interested in fire the grid. at first i thought it was shelley. i didn't know what to say, kinda stumbled onmy words. but eventually she told me who she was. she is indirectly related to shelley yates. she said the story was pretty-much true, but the rest was BS. i had already suspected that much. she told me a few other things that i will not discuss here. i feel enough has been said and if people want to throw away their time and money to this woman, they can go ahead. i certainly will not be partaking.
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