At the University of Minnesota, epidemiologist David
R. Jacobs has found that those who ate whole-grain products daily had about
a 15 percent to 25 percent reduction in death from all causes, including
heart disease and cancer (The Washington Post: 8-4-99). This finding is in
keeping with guidelines by the American Heart Association, the American
Cancer Society, the National Institutes of Health, and the American Society
for Clinical Nutrition, who would all like to see an increased consumption
of whole-grain foods to at least three servings per day.
Current dietary guidelines recommend that consumers
eat six to 11 servings of grain products daily, including at least three
whole-grain foods. A draft of health goals published by the Department of
Health and Human Services calls for 75 percent of Americans to meet this
intake by the year 2010. The fact is that most Americans fall short of those
goals, with only 7 percent eating three or more whole-grain foods daily,
according to the latest U.S. department of Agriculture consumption figures.
Whole-grain foods contain higher amounts of fiber. But research suggests
that it's the whole-grain that delivers abundant amounts of antioxidant
vitamins and phytochemicals that appear to act together to provide
protective effects.
Now the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is allowing
whole-grain products to carry a new health claim that touts their potential
to help reduce the risk of heart disease and some types of cancer. Under the
new claim, foods that contain 51 percent or more of whole-grain ingredients
by weight may say on their labels "Diets rich in whole-grain foods and other
plant foods and low in total fat, saturated fat and cholesterol may reduce
the risk of heart disease and certain cancers." Whole Grain Total and
Wheaties are just two cereals that fall in this category. Look for more of
this type of advertising on whole-grain products.
The Other Side Of The Story
Very few people know that there are strong arguments
against eating a lot of whole-grain products, and that researchers don't
agree on their value. Those interested in a natural "Darwinian" diet may be
in the minority, still, the arguments are strong that whole-grain products
may have their health costs.
One individual who has researched this problem
extensively is Dr. Loren Cordain, Professor of Exercise Physiology at
Colorado State University in Ft. Collins, Colorado, 80523.Dr. Cordain is a
well-known expert in the area of Paleolithic nutrition. This newsletter
features some of his work on grain and grain products. Readers are referred
to a
recent interview of Dr. Cordain in Life Service Supplement News of July
26, 1999 and an exhaustive recent chapter, Cereal Grains: Humanity's
Double-Edged Sword, A.P. Simopoulos (Ed.), (1999), Evolutionary aspects of
nutrition and health: Diet, exercise, genetics and chronic disease. Basel:
Karger, pp 19-73. Unfortunately this remarkable book chapter will likely be
buried along with the book, which costs about $187 with tax.
Building The Evidence
Approximately 17 plants species provides 90 percent of
the world's food supply. The top 10 are: wheat, maize, rice, barley,
soybean, cane sugar, sorghum, potato, oats, and cassava. Without these
plants there is no way that the world could support the existing 6 billion
people and the anticipated 12 to 15 billion people expected during the next
century. If agriculture gave us anything, it was an easily grown mass diet
that was calorically dense that could be stored, shipped, and processed in
hundreds of different ways.
Around 20,000 to 10,000 years ago there was a mass
extinction of large mammals throughout Europe, North America, and Asia. The
environment was exploited until other forms of hunting and gathering was
demanded. Birds and waterfowl appeared more frequently in the fossil record,
and for the first time grindstones and crude mortars appeared in the
archaeological record in the near east. This was the beginning of humanity's
use of cereal grains for food.
Hunters and gatherers derived most of their calories
from about 100-200 different species of wild animal fruits and vegetables.
But with the advent of agriculture man became dependent upon a few staple
cereal foods, 3-5 domesticated meat species, and 15-20 other plant foods.
Many populations got up to 80 percent of their calories from a single cereal
This was the turning point in human evolution. We
abandoned the typical hunter-gatherer lifestyle, with its dependence on wild
meat, fruits, vegetables, and nuts and took up dietary and activity patterns
that were entirely new to us. We had evolved to adapt to the life of hunters
and gatherers and now accepted a life that was incompatible with our
adaptive qualities. The consequences were evident in a reduction in body
size, from which we have only recently recovered, and in the appearance of
diseases of sedentary and agricultural populations, such as cardiovascular
disease, cancers, diabetes, high blood pressure, and bone diseases.
Many of our current problems can be blamed on our
current nutritional and activity differences from our early hunter-gatherer
existence. Agriculture may have launched civilizations, with all their
advantages, but it also led to disease, wars, and a restructuring of social
organizations. This is why Dr. Cordain refers to the development of
agriculture as a two-edge sword.
So What's The Problem With Cereal Grains?
All grains have nutritional deficiencies. Moreover, as we eat more and more
grain products we tend to eliminate other nutritional meats, fruits, and
vegetables. In half the world, bread provides more than 50 percent of the
total caloric intake, and in a few countries of Southern Asia, Central
America and the Far East and Africa cereal products comprise up to 80
percent or more of the total caloric intake.
Think about your own intake of grain products. In a
month's time, most of us will have eaten several slices of bread, several
bowls of cereal with milk, pasta, rice, bagels, rolls, muffins, crackers,
cookies, pastries, corn or other forms of chips, and tortillas. Most of
these are refined and lack many important nutrients. Cereal grains contain
undetectable amounts of vitamin C, B12, carotenoids, and other vitamins and
minerals, and they tend to displace foods rich in these substances that are
associated with a decreased risk of heart disease and many forms of common
cancers. Moreover, cereal grains may actually inhibit the metabolism of
these nutrients and cause autoimmune reactions.
Where Have The Vitamins And Minerals Gone?
Diets based primarily on plant foods tend to be low or
deficient in vitamin B12. This nutrient is found exclusively in animal
products. Vitamin B12 deficiency is related to megaloblastic anemia that
results in cognitive dysfunction, and it increases the risk for arterial
vascular disease and thrombosis. Obviously a diet based primarily on grains
will be deficient in vitamin B12, including strict vegetarian diets. We were
not evolved to eat plants exclusively.
Not only are cereal grains deficient in vitamins but
many contain substances that decrease the intestinal absorption of many
other important nutrients. Both wheat and sorghum are not only low in biotin
but seem to have elements within them that elicit a depression of biotin
metabolism. Vitamin D utilization by the body can be inhibited by an
excessive consumption of cereal grains.
Cereal grains are good sources of phosphorous,
potassium, and magnesium, but are poor sources of sodium and calcium. The
high phytate content of whole grain cereals forms insoluble complexes with
calcium, so that the net effect is a low Ca/P ratio. Phytate is a salt or
ester of phytic acid that is capable of forming insoluble complexes with
calcium, zinc, iron, and other nutrients and interfering with their
absorption by the body. Thus a high phytate content frequently induces bone
mineral pathologies in populations dependent upon cereal grains as a primary
food source.
Iron metabolism is affected negatively by a diet high
in phytate and fiber. Iron deficiency is the most prevalent nutritional
problem in the world today. An iron deficiency has been associated with an
irreversible impairment of a child's learning capabilities. The
bioavailability of zinc, copper, and magnesium in cereal grains is generally
low. The absorption of manganese, chromium, and selenium does not seem
impaired. Zinc deficiency can result in hypogonadal dwarfism in which there
is arrested growth. In countries with high cereal grain intake and hence low
zinc absorption, hypogonadal dwarfism is nearly 3 percent and skeletal
growth may be limited. The bioavailability of zinc from meat is four times
higher than that from cereals.
Essential Fatty Acids (EFA)
Increased consumption of n-3 fatty acids (omega-3
acids), particularly eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) decreases triglycerides,
decreases thrombotic tendencies, and reduces symptoms of many inflammatory
and autoimmune diseases including arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease.
In addition, n-3 fatty acids are associated with reduced mortality from
coronary heart disease. N-3 fatty acids are found in meat and especially
oily fish.
Cereal grains are low in fats, including the omega-3
fatty acids, including EPA and docasahexaenoic acid (DHA). Vegetarian diets
based primarily upon cereals, legumes, and plant products have a high n-6
(omega-6) to n-3 ratio. Infants deprived of DHA show both visual and neural
cortical abnormalities. In pregnant women with low DHA levels, duration of
gestation is about 5.6 days shorter than for meat-eating controls. In these
women emergency cesarean section were more common, and birth weight, head
circumference, and body length were lower in the infants born to the
vegetarian women.
Dr. Cordain concludes from these studies that, "Human
dietary lipid requirements were shaped eons ago, long before the
agricultural revolution, and long before humanity's adoption of cereal
grains as staple foods. Hence, the lipid composition of diets based upon
cereal grains, legumes, vegetable oils and other plant products is vastly at
odds with that found in wild game meat and organs, the primary, evolutionary
source of lipids to which the human genetic constitution is optimally
adapted." (p 36)
Protein Loss In Grain Diets
Cereal diets lead to inadequate growth because of a
reduction of protein and amino acids, compared to meat-supplemented diets.
The fossil record shows a characteristic reduction in stature with the
adoption of cereal-based diets. Further, vegan and vegetarian children often
fail to grow as well as their omnivorous cohorts. The associated
deficiencies include energy, protein, zinc, iron, copper, calcium, vitamin
D, vitamin B12, and vitamin A. Just looking at protein content, the content
of protein in cereal grains is about 12 percent, whereas in lean beef it is
about 22 percent. Inadequate protein intake in cereals depending on cereal
grains, and especially in the elderly who have difficulties with plant-only
diets, is probably quite common.
Antinutrients In Cereal Grains
Plants produce chemicals to defend against predators,
such as insects and birds. These secondary metabolites may protect the
plants but they can have negative effects on human metabolism. Without
naming all of these chemicals, it is clear that some can cause slower growth
in mammals either by depressing growth directly or by depressing appetite.
Some of these plant chemicals can act as allergens. Alpha-amylase inhibitor
proteins are responsible for bakers' allergenic reaction to cereal flours,
and can result in hypersensitivity reactions following wheat ingestion in
Lectins, which are proteins that are widespread in the
plant kingdom, are recognized as major antinutrients of food. Cereal grain
lectins are wheat germ agglutinin (WGA). It can interfere with
digestive/absorptive activities and can shift the balance in bacterial flora
shown to cause problems with normal gut metabolism. The potential to disrupt
human health is high.
Autoimmune Diseases And Cereal Grain Consumption
Autoimmune diseases occur when the body loses the
ability to distinguish invading proteins from self-proteins that make up the
body. The loss results in destruction of self-tissues by the immune system.
These diseases are thought to result from a combined influence of
environmental and genetic influences.
Dietary cereal grains are noted to be causative agents
for celiac disease and dermatitis herpetiformis, both autoimmune diseases.
While the incidence of celiac disease is only about 2 percent of the
population exposed to cereal grains the consequences can be severe. There
are a number of diseases that may occur simultaneously with celiac disease,
including Addison's disease, asthma, autoimmune thyroid disease, dental
enamel defects, epilepsy, liver disease, and rheumatoid arthritis.
Withdrawal of gluten-containing cereals from the diet can ameliorate
symptoms of celiac disease and herpetiformis.
The form of protein believed to be associated with
celiac disease in gliadin, but since at least 40 different protein
components occur in a single variety of wheat it is unlikely that a single
gliadin protein causes the disease. Other autoimmune diseases may be related
to a high intake of cereal grains, including insulin-dependent diabetes
mellitus (IDDM), rheumatoid arthritis, nephropathy, aphthous stomatitis
(canker sores), and even multiple sclerosis. A myelin basic protein (MBP) is
a suspected target antigen in multiple sclerosis. There are epidemiological
reports that link both wheat and milk consumption to the incidence of MS.
And there are reports showing remission of MS on gluten-free diets.
Beyond this, many neurological complications may be
associated with immune reactivity to antigens found in cereal grains. It is
suspected that autoimmune processes are involved. Even autism and
schizophrenia show susceptibilities to grain glutens that aggravate (or even
cause) the conditions. There are clinical studies indicating that there is a
rapid remission of schizophrenic symptoms by introducing gluten-free diets.
What All Of This Means For You
If you have digestive problems or suffer some of the
classic autoimmune reactions (e.g. allergies) consider the possibilities
that grains may be problematical. Look at your family members and your
family history for clues about dietary problems. Adjust the ratio of cereal
grains to meat, vegetables, and fruits and see if the adjustment has
physiological and psychological effects. In my opinion one should supplement
with vitamins, minerals, protein, and free fatty acids. Above all, eat a
varied diet and not too much of one thing. And, finally, exercise regularly
and with vigor. Put it all together and you have the "Darwinian" diet and
exercise program.