- Day 4 -a potent vegi drink for breakfast---WOW by SunsEarth
19 y
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Blog: The Sun's Beautiful Earth
This morning I made some carrot/spinach/dandalion/lemon juice for breakfast ----the dandalion made the drink taste horribly bitter -YUCK. But I took it like a soldier ---reminded me of my undergrad days downing cheap vodka...LOL. My colon, liver, and kidneys thank me though. Feeling good...a few hunger pains...looking forward to going running again after work.
- Dandelions by Dazzle
19 y
I love dandelion greens, they are sooooo potent in the body, especially the liver. I disguise the bitterness of my greens with an equal amount of carrot/apple. I do 16 ounces and 8 of those ounces are greens and the other 8 ounces is carrot/apple. The greens are very easy to drink mixed in that way. At least for me. If you make 8 ounces of juice, try 4 ounces greens, 4 ounces carrot/apple and see if you can't take it easier that way.
Hope the rest of your day is beautiful.
~ Dazzle
- Re: Dandelions by SunsEarth
19 y
Hmmmmm. Thanx. I don't know if that'll help me much though because I don't like the taste of apples mixed with vegis. I'm going to keep doing the dandelions though because I bought 2 bunches of them and I don't want to waste them.