I just ended the fast about an hour and a half ago.
I knew I had to do it. It was time. This morning I had my normal grapefruit/oj combo. Then I had to go to work. It was a hectic afternoon. I'd planned on going to the sotre and getting some raw food to break the fast with. But I didn't make it to the store and I realized that it was late and I needed something about four pm. I had four raw pecan halves. I know nuts are not the ideal food to break the fast with, but they don't seem to be upsetting my tummy at all!
Then, I did make it to the store, and I got lots of raw delicious food! I had a propper meal when I got home, my favorite raw meal. An avocado, a bit of tomato, and some lime juice. It was so amazingly good! Again, maybe a fat isn't the best way to break a fast, but my body lef me intuitively to it, so I didn't question it too much.
As sad as I am to see this first fast end, I feel very successful. I am also excited to begin eating raw again, as I think that is the best possible way to eat. I also plan to fast again when I get back from the wedding. I'll be back before June, so I might do another month long fast for that month. I'm not sure if that is enough time between fasts or not. I'll need to research it a little bit more.
I plan to keep updating here on the after effects of fasting, and I'll record my new fast here, too.
Thanks to everyone for all your wonderful encouragment and advice. It has been a long 51 days, but a great 51 days. I feel better than I ever have in my life!