- Day 11, afternoon by raddish
19 y
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Blog: Juicing for 30 - take 2!!!
I am certainly in the middle of a series detox! It has been really intense today. The morning started with tunnel vision and nausea. Then, things just didn't get better. I had pretty intense fatigue while I was at worked, which stunk! I was so tired. And I also was really cold, despite it being very warm out today. I also had some numbness in my arms and hands. My hands are like ice cubes. I had some light numbness in my legs, too, which is odd when I was on my feet for eight hours. My skin looks terrible. My tongue had gone from coated, to pink, back to coated. I also had a thick, white coating all over my gums. I had a bit of a sore throat, too. I'm feeling a little bit better this afternoon, bit not great.
I hope to relax all afternoon, and feel better.
I am having my afternoon juice right now. I'm having a green juice, which I probably need. It's cabbage, zuchinni, tomato, garlic, jalepeno, and some spinach. It's really strong, spicy, and feels cleansing. I might have a third juice later today, if I feel like I need it. It would probably be a small fruit juice of some sort.
I had bm this afternoon, again, without flushing. I don't know if this is normal or not. I thought the digestion was supposed to rest and you were supposed to cease having bms. I don't know for sure.
I also tested my urine. I had trace ketones this morning, and had a small amount (which is more) this afternoon. I am hoping that after this crisis, I start seeing even more results. This fast has been very instense in what it's brought up for me. I feel pretty fatigued by that, too.
But I'm happy and very committed to the fast. I think that I will certainly be able to do 30 days. I'm just on a role.
- bit of advice by ausjulie
19 y
im no expert by any means but my advice is to try to increase the number of BM's you are having. i was told and learnt thru experience it is vital for the detox adn cleansing process(and in my opinion also the weight loss). their are a number of ways to increase the elimination, teas, herbal lax's, swf, enemas and my favourite oxypowder. maybe you could do some investigating on your own and find something that works for you. or if you are ok with how things are going than i am happy for you. i had the advice of a life coach specialisign in juice fasts and he wanted me to have 5 BM's daily....i didtn get that many on my 30 day fast however i am on day 4 of my new fast and up to around 5 BM's daily and feel fantastic. good luck