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    Juicing for 30 - take 2!!!

Juicing for 30 - take 2!!!
by raddish

57 blog entries; 17 entries per page; 1 pages; viewed 194,983 times
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  • Day 10 - afternoon   by  raddish     19 y     2,848       4 Messages Shown       Blog: Juicing for 30 - take 2!!!
    I just had my second juice for the day. AM juice was my triple orange juice - tangerine, canteloupe, and carrots. It's a good blend. PM - pineapple ginger. I crave that pineapple juice! It's probably the sugar, but whatever. Maybe it is the mineral/vitamin content. I don't know. But I'm honoring the craving. I need some veggie juice, as I haven't been very balanced. I read somewhere the fruit juice makes you detox faster, whereas vegetable juice makes the detox process much easier because of less blood sugar up and downs. I got some fennel to juice, and am anxious to try it. I don't know what to combine it with, though. I'll probably on have the two juices for today. I don't really need three a day anymore.
    I had a bm today, on my own, no swf or anything. I'm not sure if I should do a flush or not. I am eliminating on my own at least every other day. Is that enough?
    I got ketone strips to monitor my urine for ketosis. I've read that part of why as fast works is that the body goes into ketosis when it is forced to go into its fat stores for energy. I was in between trace and mild ketosis. I don't know what you should be striving for. I'm sure that the higher the ketones, the worse you'd feel, but maybe that's what it takes for a fast to really work. I don't know. I'm going to post on the juice fast board here to see if anyone knows.
    Detox symptoms today are a little more intense. I feel very introspective, as evidenced by my earlier post. I'm also feeling tired but not bone tired. More lazy, I guess. In a few minutes I am getting off the computer and cleaning the darn house! I am also having some transient aches in my abdomen region. I keep thinking I smell things like cigerette smoke and food cooking, when I couldn't be. I've never really been a smoker, so I don't know if I could be detoxing secondhand smoke. I don't know. I would like to report more progress with my skin. It is looking better but it isn't where I hoped it would be. I have a little bit of a headache, just a little bit of the blahs today. And my breath is a little bit bad. Then there are food cravings - which I am having. I want an avocado and some lime juice. I am going to clean for a few hours, then take a long, relaxing shower and get to bed early for work tomorrow.
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    • love coming your way!   by  ausjulie     19 y     1,165
      i hear the pain in your message and i want to send you some love and hugs and kisses. maybe you can use some of my love to start lovign yourself a little more each day. that is my wish for you. julie
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    • It Will Pass...   by  Dazzle     19 y     1,534

      I love your name, Raddish. (I love radishes, too!) Like Julie said, I feel your pain.  I just read your post on the forums and wanted to respond here.

      Yes, you are going through some tough detox.  I call it Wholistic Detox, because not only are you detoxing physically, but you're detoxing emotionally and spiritually as well.  As badly as you feel right now, know you are giving yourself a most vital gift by going through this.   You are essentially removing the negative energy (emotions are energy) from your emotional body, just as you are removing nasty toxins from your physical body.

      When you reach the finish line, you will be feeling far removed from how you're feeling now, because these negative emotions are being flushed away.  The toxins in your body that are actually influencing these emotions are being washed from your body.  It would not surprise me that when this is over, you will feel very good, almost like a high.  That happens with me, after a deep emotional/physical detox.

      Just keep in mind, when this happens, it will pass.  It WILL pass.  You are evolving, giving yourself a gift of life by going through this torment now.  It will get better and better the closer you get to the finish line.

      Now is the time to pamper yourself.  Your body and spirit need that extra self-love because it validates you and tells your inner and outer conscious that you are worth it.  And you are. 

      Take a long special bath, light some candles, pour some wine, put some music on, burn some incense, close your eyes and let go... Read some uplifting inspirational words... research a topic that's intrigued you... exercise your mind... Take a walk and think of how beautiful you'll be when you're done fasting... These things help me when I'm low...

      And always drink more green juices if the detox becomes unbearable.  It will slow it down and ease your discomfort. You may also want to do an enema when you're feeling this low, whether emotional or physical.  Often that remedies beautifully.

      Here is a link for an article that discusses the ups and downs of detoxing:

      I hope this helps.  I'll be thinking about you!

      Best to you,
      ~ Dazzle

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