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    Juicing for 30 - take 2!!!

Juicing for 30 - take 2!!!
by raddish

57 blog entries; 17 entries per page; 1 pages; viewed 196,964 times
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  • Day seven, afternoon - Very discouraged!   by  raddish     19 y     2,871       3 Messages Shown       Blog: Juicing for 30 - take 2!!!
    I broke my rule about not weighing in this morning and was very sad with what I found. In seven days of juice fasting I have only lost two pounds! That's crazy! I thought I'd lose much more than this. I mean, I honestly expected a loss of four to five pounds. To say that this has taken the wind out of my sails is an understatement.
    I am totally confused and sad! I can't believe it. I haven't overdone the juices, or anything. What gives? I thought a pound a day loss was normal. Even half a pound loss a day would have been better than this. I seem to be stuck at this point and unable to get under it! I'm really sad and disgusted.
    But, I've managed to stick to it. I'm trying really hard, and this is the hardest day so far. We went to Disney this morning and there was food everywhere! I was so tempted. It's all mental. I'm down from seeing the lack of weight loss and it would be so easy to just quit right now. I have so much food in the house. I'm by myself, as the kids and hubby are out eating a delecious mexican dinner. And me - I feel like a freak that doesn't even eat and still can't lose weight! I want to just comfort eat and pass out in bed, but I won't.
    Anyway - for breakfast I had pear and apple juice - which was very white and fluffy. Then for my afternoon juice I had pineapple ginger, but even it didn't cheer me up.
    I am going to give it another week. I am waiting on a late period that is causing all kinds of bloating I think, so maybe I'll go down some more this week. In a week if my loss is this minimal again, I don't know that I'm going to keep going for 30 days on this. I was losing this much eating raw. If there is no weight loss, I have a hard time believing I'm losing toxins or anything else, either.
    I'm really sad this evening.
    Reply   FCK   TinyMCE  
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    • Raddish...   by  midge     19 y     1,138
      I'm so sorry that you're down in the dumps. I can understand that you were really counting on losing more weight, that's a big issue for me too. Why don't you do a day of only water, that really helped me. Or a couple of days a week.

      The skin brushing is great! I love how it softens my skin.

      I hope you have a great day tomorrow!!!
      YOU CAN DO IT!!!
      Reply   FCK   TinyMCE  
      This is my avatar. Click here to see my profile.
    • Juice Fasting and Weight   by  kristopher     19 y     1,214
      Hi, I was just reading your entries. Some of the juice flavors you make sound really good, and I'm going to try them, especially the pineapple/ginger. I love both! Re: the weight loss issue... Maybe try only vegetable juices, as I would think fruit have a higher sugar content.

      Reply   FCK   TinyMCE  
      This is NOT me. This is just randomly assigned avatar, until I upload my own photo. Click here to see my profile.
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