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    Juicing for 30 - take 2!!!

Juicing for 30 - take 2!!!
by raddish

57 blog entries; 17 entries per page; 1 pages; viewed 194,989 times
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  • Introduction   by  raddish     19 y     3,150       2 Messages Shown       Blog: Juicing for 30 - take 2!!!
    My name is Rachel and this is the log of my first juice fast. I am on a path to better nutritional health. I am a committed vegan, having been vegan since Sept of 05, and largely vegetarian for the last 10 years. I've been raw for about a month before begining this fast.
    I'm 28, a married mom of three. I work at Starbucks (but wouldn't dream of drinking or eating anything from there!).
    I've had a long struggle with my weight. After having my first two children and gaining a lot of weight, I was able to lose a lot of weight and get down to what might have been my ideal weight (117 lbs, at 5'4", medium to small frame) in the Spring of 2000. Six years ago! I went back to college, things got hectic, and I basically abused my body. I went crazy with caffeine and terrible foods. I gained 35 in six months or so. By spring of 2001, I was over 150, and feeling terrible.
    I tried the same route of a healthy vegetarian diet and running, but the weight wouldn't budge. I'd lose and gain the same ten pounds over and over. I felt really bad. I started doing bad things, including completely abstaining from all food for weeks at a time, abusing diet pills, and generally bad things. I got diagnosed with Hypothyroidism at this time. It explained my inability to lose weight.
    I started convential hormone treatment, started to lose weight, then was in a bad car accident and ended up with bad PTSD and used food to treat it! I gained more weight, about another ten pounds, taking me to 160.
    I finally got treatment for my mental issues but the drugs I took caused me to gain more weight. I dieted when I could, getting as low as 155, but then would continue to gain.
    By September of this year, when I went vegan, I was 175! I was a rock bottom. I didn't go vegan to lose weight, but the weight started slowly coming off. By March 1 I was about 158 pounds, so I lost 17 lbs in five months on a vegan diet without really trying to even lose weight.
    But I still suffered from fatigue, bad skin (acne), and a general malaise.
    I went raw on March 3. I went raw briefly a few years ago and lost some weight (which I quickly regained due to readopting my old eating habits) so decided to give it another shot. Being vegan already, it wasn't a hard transition. And I lost 9 lbs, getting to 149, in 3 weeks. That's the lowest I've been in years. I started feeling better and looking better, and reading about juice fasting, and felt really drawn to it.
    I think it could heal my thyroid and help my permanently help my health. I also think it could help me lose weight. I am my sister's matron of honor at her wedding in two months, and I would like to be as close to my ideal weight as possible before the wedding.
    I'm also fasting from the scale, so I am not weighing myself til I break the fast. I started the fast Monday, March 27th. I hope to go til at least April 25, which would be day 30. I think I can do it. If I can go longer, it would be great.
    So that's all about me!
    Reply   FCK   TinyMCE  
    This is my avatar. Click here to see my profile.
    • lol   by  Deradune     19 y     1,561
      This morning I looked at the name of your blog and read it literally -- Juicing for 30 -- and thought, "OMG, s/he is juicing for 30 people at some retreat or something. Wow, that is a LOT of juicing!" and hurried over here to see if those 30 people were doing great and you were running ragged or not, LOL.
      Reply   FCK   TinyMCE  
      This is NOT me. This is just randomly assigned avatar, until I upload my own photo. Click here to see my profile.
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