- Day 9 by momfor2manykids
19 y
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Blog: Trichotillomania and 40 Day Fast
I'm feeling really strong this morning. No headache, no hunger, life is good. Now if I can just keep in mind why I am doing the fast. I have to keep reminding myself that physical and mental health is better than unhealthy food.
Even with my "slip", I am not pulling hair and have remained pull-free for 9 days. This is ultimatly what I am shooting for. So I suppose that not all has been a loss.
I will start the day out with a really weak steep of Smooth Move.
- Glad to see you're back! by midge
19 y
That one slip-up would have messed up a lot of people for a week!! But not YOU! Awesome! You got back on that wagon right away, that's what counts.
You keep your mind on why you're doing this, make a list and put it on your refrigerator. It'll remind you every time you go into the kitchen.