- Day 4 of my juice fast by want2bfree
19 y
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Blog: Hannagrl
Here I am. I was up early this morning. I didn't sleep well last night. My heart was racing and I felt achy all over. I was DETERMINED this morning to have results from my enema, which I had not seen any results for the past 3 days. So, here we go. I took in 2 quarts and held it for 15 minutes. When I stood up, the damn finally broke. I must of spent more than an hour on the toilet. I would think I was done, get up and get ready for work and BAM I would cramp up again. Horrible cramps almost made me throw up. At first I was concerned when I looked in the toilet because it all had a reddish color. Hmm lets think, for the past 2 days I have had beet juice, what a relief that was. God when it was all out, I felt so much better. Some achs and pains were gone, heart was beating normal and I felt at ease. Anybody doing a juice fast, always remember to keep the bowels clean. It will save your life. Ok enough about poo poo. I don't want to get fixated on it and gross anyone out, as my mind is thinking strage things from this fast.
Ok, how do I really feel. I feel ok but am a bit tired. Like I want to lay down. I also feel euphoric and giggly at times. I am am thinking I am still detoxing from sugar. Or maybe sombody put some LSD in my juice. Anyhow I am feeling ok but still tired. I do feel a bit muttle headed. I am a crisi worker and I have been making so many errors on my paperwork this morning, writing odd things LOL. IT'S all good though. I know that it is just part of a beautiful process of the body mind and soul. I can't really say I am hungry but have odd sensations in my stomach. I only had time to bring tea to work this morning, as my bowels held me up from juicing today like I needed to. I can't let that happen again, as I need to be sustained over the day, so as not to give in to temptation. My pants do feel looser but I have not weighed today. Maybe tomorrow. Wellduty calls me at the moment. I have a person I must help. I somtimes hate to leave the blog, as it helps me to see my feelings better when I jouranl and helps me to carry on with this endeavor. I will be back tomorrow to this comfy spot of peace and many wonderful people.
- happy 4 u day 4 by But God
19 y
Hello hannagrl,
I'm glad you made it to day 4, and you're right, blogging does help. I don't know if you are familiar with coffee enemas, but they really help with the detox, We do them anyway. But during the fast they really help with the detoxing. Blood passes through the liver every 3 min and holding the coffee in for 15 min acts as a dialysis procedure for the liver. you can find about it more on websites "coffee enemas" this is how we do it 8 cups steamed distilled water, 6 heaping Tablespoons coffee (any brand with caffeine) but it has to be the kind that has to go into the coffee maker, boil 15 min let stand, cool, strain use vitamin "E" or aloe jell to lubricate the tip of enema bag, (baby milk wrist test) to cold will cramp you, too hot you got chitterlings (cooked guts). lay down but up, head down position. I recommend SLOWLY releasing solution into rectum. after bag is empty, lay on RIGHT side 15 min. I always put soft music (I use atmosphere, ie water with music in the background). breath and enjoy the results. Hope this helps.
This is my husbands 4th day as well, He had enema and Epsom salt bath this morning, it really helped his head, He also got a Hugh boil last night. I'm packing it with some charcoal. hang in there!!
But God
But God
- Re: happy 4 u day 4 by want2bfree
19 y
Thank you much But God, I ave read about the coffee enemas but never really tried it. I guess I wasn't informed enough. I think I shall try it. I had also thought about doing the epsom salt baths, I know that really can help detox. How much salt did hubby put in the tub?
I did have horrible cramps with my enema this AM. I was trying to figure out why and was not thrilled with the thought of feeling that again tomorrow. It is very possible that the water was to cool, or maybe I had air in the bag? ANYHOW I will try and do things different tomorrow, see if things go any better. How many days are you and hubby planning on? It is good not to feel alone in this endeavor. I am glad I have found you all. SCRATCH THAT, I am never alone as long as god is by my side, and I know he always is, even when I think he isn't
Have a wonderful evening...me