- n/m by finallyfaith
18 y
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Blog: Spirit Meets Body
- Wow, what an explosive bomb of a first blog! LOL by Dazzle
18 y
Finally Faith,
Your ideas are quite spectacular! I am surprised no one has thought of doing this after Marconi's death. After thinking about all the various inventions and remarkable achievements mankind has done over the past 100 years, to have such a tool would seem relatively simple in comparison. I am thinking perhaps someone already has done something in this area but the powers that be won't let it out of the bag.
Here's short bio of Gugleilmo Marconi:
I'm not an engineer, nor am I a mechanic. I don't have a degree in physics and I am quite computer illiterate, however, I wonder if powerful magnets would be the foundation for such a tool.
Welcome to the Blog World of CureZone!
~ Dazzle
- Do tell, friend... by kerminator
18 y
I am an electrical engineer, with much experience.... So do tell all you can on such a device... Or any other such and maybe we can make some thing... Look forward to your posts...
I agree the Lady from FLA is very nice.... She seems to have it all together...
see Ya... Kermit
- Re: Do tell, friend... by finallyfaith
18 y
thanks for the comment. i will continue to research this. but i think dazzle is onto something - somehow disrupting the magnetic fields. magnetism is overlooked and very key concept. also it is the david's stone concept - a small simple and easily available resource can cripple the most imposing of all giants. and what more imposing giant is there than the modern war machine? but all giants have a weak spot, we just have to find it.
- Re: Do tell, friend... by bluestar
18 y
I think the best defense is simply not to be in the same world as those who would harm you. Even if you choose to coexist in worlds where evil exists, you can arrange it such that you do not experience it yourself. Now that is not always one choice, even if you do choose it. But, one should understand that there are an infinite numbers of realities within one absolute reality. If you believe you cannot be harmed by such a weapon, you likely will not be because you will never be in the same place as the weapon. It is the ultimate defense of those who are said to have achieved "enlightenment". I have been in my car when part of another car has seemingly gone right thru part of my car. If your universe and the universe of another can be slightly out of sync --- well the possibilities are endless. One's life is a beautiful tapestry that once you get the hang of it you can weave your own most beautifully designed masterpiece...
- Re: Do tell, friend... by kerminator
18 y
Lets look at the big picture....
Well friend; I can agree with your statement about being in a different place.... But we are here to experience life in this human body, at this point in time, and since we are all given a free agency, there are unfortunately some with evil intents who will choose to damage others... That is where self defense comes in....
BTW all living things have some type of defense built in... & all animals know how to swim! HUH!
But not all that happens to us in this life can or should be avoided... If there was not any pain, then we would not really know pleasure.... Life is more than avoidance, it is an adventure to be lived, friend.... So try to do your best and live life large... see Ya.. Kerminator
- Re: Do tell, friend... by kerminator
18 y
You are quite right; one of the big problems in the modern era has been the danger from a large impulse... During the "Cold War" it was has been prov-en; {have seen some evidence}, that the US transistorized electronics could be knocked out by a large impulse.... While the USSR could with stand the pulse since they used vacuum tube technology....
Will not get into any great details, but it is possible.... But since WWII time frame, all the electrical devices were not transistors, which were invented after the war...
Very interesting, friend... see Ya... K
- perhaps such a device is already in use by bluestar
18 y
Those planes that go down from time to time with supposedly little or no explanation -- I have often thought that something akin to the device you mention was being used ....
- Re: perhaps such a device is already in use by Deradune
18 y
Yes indeed! Evidentally used by some extraterrestrials, God bless 'em. ;)
Many credible witnesses (former government and military employees) have reported just this. It doesn't happen all the time though. Not sure why. Probably just don't want to be too interventionist.
- Unwarfare weapons by bromo
18 y
i think your view on war is timely. and marconi was a brillant.
for me the way to unwarfare is to be at peace with myself.
once i am free of anger, aggression and other unhealthy emotions my world is peaceful.
the challenge is for a significant number of us to develop what is known as "inner peace strength." it is a knowledge that existed before there were wars and still exist today.
you can't buy or make it. you already have it and the trick is to learn how to develop it.
- Re: Unwarfare weapons by finallyfaith
18 y
i agree with you, we all have to find peace within ourselves, then peace in the world will come. but i also think it would be great if we coudl defend ourselves with technology that disarmed others, without killing them. afterall some might be at peace and want peace while others aren't and don't, know what i mean?