- Day 9 pt 2 by But God
19 y
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Blog: 30 day juice fast
Today was a good day, had good strenght, watched my husband sleep most of the day, it's his 3rd day juice fasting. We went for a walk, we live in the country, it was beautiful. I put some GARLIC in my veggie this afternoon, I think I used to much.
I've felt kinda puky since then, the hunger has past, (thanks ausjulie & dazzle), great support.
well, it's soak time, I'm really encouraged about the remaining days of the fast. The Young people in the church told their parents about their own fasting (they decided to do) and now 1 parent wants to do the fasting. At bible study tonight, I shared some of the blogs with them and they got enriched, tickled and outdone. I love to teach them nutrional information, and they love to learn. They make decisions to stop eating different types of food and can you believe, we have a ministry with a lot of teens and over the years they've just cut back on junk and sweets. When we go out to eat (the church) they choose well, not a lot of junk and their parents notice. I'm proud of them, because most older people with phyical problem won't change, but the new generation is with it. That' good enough! This next generation will proably live a long time, if they are willing and obedient.
Everybody who reads this be encouraged, one day at a time
But God
- minister? by #55593
19 y
i was just wondering what kind of denomination or church you minister in? most don't have women ministers, so i just wanted to know.
- Re: minister? Yes. by But God
19 y
We're an indenomational ministry, considered a "word church" and mostly all denomations have women ministries, except many catholic, but I am a legal pastor on earth and on heavens records. God is smart enough to use women as well as men (smile). I hope this helps.
But God
But God
- Re: minister? Yes. by Dazzle
19 y
Never heard of a word church... what is a word church?
My mother was a Pentacostal and she always had female ministers. The Penticostal denomination is actually the only demonination that I have seen with female ministers.
Frankly, coming from a male oriented Baptist denomination, I am delighted to see more women hold positions of power within the church, even though we all know Who really has the Power.
~ Dazzle
- word church by But God
19 y
Hi dazzle,
first, I need to tell you your passion and kindness overwhelmed me today, I didn't expect anyone to respond to the writer "hunger". I didn't tell my husband about it, until you responded, I was so touched. My first reaction to the blog was to feel bad that I had offended Anyone. But I prayed for that person while responding.
You're right they do need a good ole detox, but not just physically. What a great God He is, and quit capable of reaching ANYONE. Thanks so much for having my back, you really don't know how much you restored me. I surely pray whatever, ministry (church) you attend, realizes the jewel you are dazzle.
A "Word" church is just that, we do a lot of teaching (of course worshipping), we are not legally affiliated with any particular denomination, but embrace every blood wash believer, and love non-believers into the truth. We focus more on the fruit of the spirit (not neglecting the gifts). We seem to draw lots of children, teens, addicts, homeless, basically the wild bunches. What a wonderful world. We have a ball teaching and they have a ball learning and CHANGING. We've recently founded a new ministry in Montgomery (on about 4 mos old) and Ohio. I'm really excited about what God is doing dazzle, with you.
today I've been touched by you, not an angel, BETTER, a creature made in the image of God and displaying His Kindness, by waves of the air just like Him.
But God
But God
- Yum Garlic by Dazzle
19 y
I love garlic in my juices... it's a fantastic power booster. Just make sure your hubby drinks some too so you both can be stinky together. LOL
~ Dazzle
- Juicing garlic - my experience. by Seaside Station
19 y
I found garlic easiest to tolerate in the morning!....Unfortunately (?) that was when I drank my (very limited due to candida) fruit juice!....Garlic spiked apple/cucumber/parsley juice! Interesting. I could still taste the lovely sweetness of the apple under the garlic though :o)
Afternoons I drank beet or carrot/cabbage or spinach/celery, broccoli sprouts, parsley, ginger root combinations mostly and the couple of times I tried adding garlic to those I suffered indigestion and nausea lasting a few hours.
So, I wondered if it was the morning or the apple that made the difference and made the garlic easily tolerable for me!
Garlic juice HAS to be good for you :o)
Seaside Station
- Re: my experience.Thanks by But God
19 y
Thanks seaside, I'll try that, maybe Sunday morning, day 10 today, tomorrow I'm thinking about just water and herb teas. I kinda juice burned out for a spell. I got some peaches today and did that with apples (good), then yams with a little cinnamon, I thought that would be a good marriage ( you know sweet potatoe pies) NO.
So I had cabbage, carrots, parsley and celery. thanks for the recomendation. I'll definitely try that garlic is good for ya.
But God
But God