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    journal of my 30 day juice fast

journal of my 30 day juice fast
by ausjulie

136 blog entries; 17 entries per page; 1 pages; viewed 865,111 times
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  • 6 weeks post fast   by  ausjulie     18 y     3,050       2 Messages Shown       Blog: journal of my 30 day juice fast
    another 2 pounds gone this week. i was expecting a little more (due to fast) but i was still quite happy because i lost an inch off my hips and half off my thigh...these are my problem areas. i have now lost 36 pounds and have 24 to go till goal weight. since the end of my 30 day fast i have lost 11.5 pounds in 6 weeks. if i keep up the weight loss at this rate i will be at my goal weigh in 12 weeks. i can cope with that. may not make my birthday but that is ok. better to be sensible than unrealistic goals.

    i fasted only for three days last week. unfortuanatley i was not able to convince myself to drink any veggie juice. actually the only juice i managed was orange juice. best thing about doign this short fast was that detox was no problem, sligthly saw body bits and bit of a sore neck but compared to last time it was a breeze. im thinkin that means i am pretty clean. i am back to mostly raw and i will probably do a series of short fasts. i want to do a longer 10 day one but just not ready for it yet. maybe after summer holidays i will feel ready to start another 30 days???? no pressure just wait and see.

    i am running 5-6 days a week and really getting much stronger i can start to feel my muscles build up in my legs. i am still running for about an hour. not doing many of my other exercises like situps push ups and weights. i want to increase these to tone up and for strengh but i find them so boring. i have enlisted the help of my hubby to do 30 min of weights each nite with me...we'll see how that goes.

    i feel pretty balanced with my diet and really happy about my exercise program. alcohol intake was great last week and not so great this week. i know this is going to have to be a constant thing in my life i will have to keep monitoring. im a bit over the top with the scales so soon i will have to work on that issue. mmmmm always something. my job is working out pretty good. hubby home for two weeks which is fantastic. making plans for going home in june is rather exciting too. time feels like it is flyign by. im still lurkign around the curezone webiste and readign all the blogs and posts. it is such a fantastic tool and absolutely crucial for my change in lifestyle.
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