- day 21 by ausjulie
19 y
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Blog: journal of my 30 day juice fast
i am feeling so much better. i was starting to doubt the whole juice way of life thing due to the fact i caught the cold but seeing how quick i got over it i am back on the believer train. i feel really good i have worked out 6 juices per day is my amount, i dont get hungry and feel damn good. if i have less than 6 i start to get hungry and down and want to quit and eat and think why did i do 30 days why didnt i do 10 days. but if i am feeling full and satisfied i feel like i could probably go longer than 30 days. but 30 is definately my limit in that i really need to start my healthy lifestyle in the real world. eating real food. i am really nervous about that. i feel so much better losing the weight i have lost. i dont (i cant) go back to being that big ever again. god even when i was full term pregnant i didnt weigh that much.
made it to my second last milestone. i was hoping that by now i would start to see some yucky stuff come out of me but unfortunately i am not there. i know this is because i dont take enough laxatives but they do not agree with me.
so here i am on my way to my last milestone - 30 days. i think this week is going to be a great week and im really looking forward to it.
- Great! by Dazzle
19 y
This is really terrific news. I'm thinking that cold was a detox reaction. Grats on your milestone and I have no doubt you'll make it to the end of 30 days!
~ Dazzle