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    Wedding Diet

Wedding Diet
by annaconda

92 blog entries; 17 entries per page; 1 pages; viewed 414,011 times
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  • under a month to go   by  annaconda     18 y     3,385       2 Messages Shown       Blog: Wedding Diet
    This week I've been really good at eating just yogurt and nuts, a salad once in a while, and tons of water during the day. Monday night I ended up having steak, potatoes and broccoli (the potatoes were so yummy and so sinful). Tuesday night I had (can't remember), Wednesday night I had some cheese & crackers, last night I had carrot ginger juice, cheese & crackers, and some miso soup.

    I finally ran 4 miles on Wednesday (it was tough after a few days off), then 60 minutes of cardio yesterday and 15 min. upper body weights. Today it's going to be 20 minutes on the bike, 20 minutes on the treadmill, and some lifting. Nothing too heavy, because we're going hiking tomorrow, and I want to be good, not sore.

    Wedding stuff is moving along, it's under a month to go now. I have been feeling deprived - it's like all I want to do is EAT but I know that if I eat pasta, I'll feel gross, if I eat cheese I'll feel gross (cheese & crackers was OK after a long day of eating just lowfat yogurt and raw nuts) If I eat fast food I'll feel gross...

    It's messed up. I used to be able to satisfy a craving easily. Now it's more like I just WANT but I'm not really giving in. A huge treat the other afternoon was a freaking diet coke.

    Next weekend is my bachelorette party, so that will be a chance to indulge with bbq sauce and grilled meats. That stuff doesn't mess me up too bad, actually, so that's good. I'm kind of floating through this whirlwind of activity, work is crazy, but I'm looking forward so much to having 1.5 weeks without work. 13 work days till vacation (sort of!)
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