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Inner Space : Heart Talk
by Wrenn

5 blog entries; 5 entries per page; 1 pages; viewed 45,005 times
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  • Thought, Word , Deed.   by  Wrenn     19 y     2,486       5 Messages Shown       Blog: Inner Space : Heart Talk
    I was sitting here thinking,
    as I looked around at things I have,
    or goals I have obtained...
    and I see the same undercurrent

    repeated in my life,
    which runs along these lines:

    When did anything I was fully focused on
    ever NOT come into blossom ?
    Answer? NEVER!!

    I believe that the core of creating anything,
    (the key )
    Is to first realise what it is you want,
    then to TAKE ACTION in that direction.
    Whether you outwardly cannot see how it might
    take shape is useless to even waste mind energy on.

    The universe will unfold (blossom,)
    and bring forth these things
    even better than we can imagine,
    if we ourselves do not limit the means
    by which we are seeking the desired outcome
    to be achieved.

    A few examples:

    When I started martial arts,
    I NEVER considered ever getting black belts..
    I just wanted to learn a few moves to be able to defend
    myself with ablity to block and throw a punch effectively.

    I was so focused on each lesson,
    that before I knew it 4 years had passed,
    and I had gained 2 weapons black belts
    (nunchakus, and bojitsu)
    plus one last test needed for my 3rd one
    (in Sai) and had Kama knowledge as well.

    I had become a teacher of weapons (kobudo)
    and was teaching beginning and advanced classes
    at 2 separate dojos.
    I was a Sensei in this area.

    I had gained a regular black belt in karate,
    plus the next up one as well,
    and was considered a Sempei
    (asst. to a Sensei) in open hand Karate,
    and had gone thru referee and judge training,
    Which allowed me participation as such in
    major WUKO tournaments.

    I am proud to say that in any tournament
    my students of kobudo entered,
    They consistently placed in top three
    of their chosen area to compete in,
    bringing home medals,
    and trophies for their hard work.

    This was an amazing thing
    for a mother of 3 young children,
    who never even considered going more than
    a few months into learning.

    I think the main thrust of this growth,
    was that I was having a BLAST!
    I was completely enjoying what I was doing.


    a few more examples:

    When I wanted to learn growing herbs,
    I had no clue (20 years ago ).
    I just started clearing out space,
    buying herbs and planting them.
    It grew into 5 small herb plots around my yard,
    and me learning how to use them in every day
    culinary , medicinal , and cosmetic applications.

    My crystals,
    I started with one purchase, and no knowledge.
    Today I have over 100,
    all close personal *friends*

    Esp my house.
    I made an agreement with myself
    that by age 45 I wanted to own a house
    free and clear of my own .
    In spite of all odds against me,
    It became a reality
    within but a few days
    of my 45 th conceptional birthday !

    I don't mind it is old rundown 1920 house,
    I love it, and by standards in many countries,
    I would be seen as extremely wealthy,
    tho in America (lol ) It is a rundown house.
    In my eyes, I love my home,
    and that is all that matters.
    I consider myself most priviledged
    to have the universe bring me this gift.


    I will wrap this up :
    In summary, I could go on and on and on ,
    about how life brings us the things we desire,
    but the key is :
    are we staying focused on that thought?

    Where is our mind energy going?

    Where and how are we TAKING ACTION?

    Dreaming , wishing are all nice,
    but until you start taking steps towards
    your desired outcome,
    it will not evolve.

    We MUST take part in the creation.
    We are the spark that ignites it.
    We *breathe life* into our dreams,

    When we come to realise this is true,
    then worrying the hows etc.
    become complete wastes of time,
    and energy.

    We ourselves are the only ones
    that stand in our own path.
    Do not place limitations
    on your goals,
    Let the universe surprise you!

    Start looking for it in everything you do.
    Have fun in the adventure of discovery,
    for if you are not having fun,
    then Life becomes but one deary day after another.
    When we stop having fun,
    then we begin to destroy our own dream,
    our own creation.

    This is the moment NOW.
    This is the ONLY time that you are truly living.
    Value each moment and the rest will not fail to unfold.

    So if / when you find yourself at a spot in the road,
    where things do not seem to be working out,

    Take time to look at all you have brought forth,
    over the past.

    Appreciate it.

    Realise that much of it really just took shape
    naturally, so there is no need to get frustrated
    and worried over your current illusional obstacle.

    Progess as you have in the past,
    with anticipation and confidance,
    and all those *problems* will be resolved.

    Remember John Lennon:
    There are no problems,
    only solutions.

    Thanks for reading,
    Ami Joi Benton.

    Reply   FCK   TinyMCE  
    This is my avatar. Click here to see my profile.
    • wow...!!!   by  drofinnah     19 y     1,577
      "BAD TO DA BONE"...
      a "KICKASS" mama...
      (bet your kids never give you any sass)...

      i never would've believed it...
      thanks for sharing...
      enjoyed it much...

      it just goes to prove one thing...

      "it's a wonderful day in the neighborhood"...
      Reply   FCK   TinyMCE  
      This is my avatar. Click here to see my profile.
      • oh contraire   by  Wrenn     19 y     1,687
        I have always allowed my children the right to open opinion.
        Many people had many disagreements with me,
        in the manner that I raised them.
        That was their headtrip not mine.

        I chose to see my kids as the individual spirits
        they are, that were simply within my care,
        for to provide them with food, clothing, shelter,
        security , and above all love and acceptance.

        That is not to say
        I did not have to discipline them sometimes.
        But I also allowed them to voice their disagreements,
        even if cussing etc.
        Infact, after listening to my heart,
        and to their opinions,
        I often would see something from their viewpoint.

        I then weighed that perspective against my own,
        and if I felt I had overlooked something,
        or needed to alter the discipline applied,
        I spoke to them about it, and apologised.

        I think the main reason why my kids grew up ,
        being socially kind, generous, stable, young adults,
        with very strong separate identities and opinions,
        that they are not afraid to voice,
        has its roots in the manner of respect
        I chose to give them,
        when they were young.

        To this day,
        As young adults,
        they each are pursuing completely different paths.
        I support each of them fully in following their inner hearts
        towards the creation of life that they desire.

        Again , many people still have much to say (lol )
        about my mothering skills..
        I guess society as a whole thinks a mother should
        *control * HER children to be what society would be more
        comfortable with.
        This is a really abherrant form of thinking in my belief.
        When people say to me,
        How can you let them do this or that?
        I say how can I not?
        They have the right to choose any path in life.
        My only function is to love them and be supportive.

        I find that the ones busy putting noses into others business,
        very often do so for not wanting to face their own lives.
        So they spend their time, interferring with others.

        I can accept that,
        esp when I see,
        it is a matter of fear
        (for them )..
        For if their stopped looking at others,
        trying to find fault (or good)
        they would have to stand in the mirror of life,
        and face themselves.
        So for many it is an adaptive way of denial
        of self.

        I find it sad when I see this in others,
        yet I know I must accept it
        and love their inner divinity.
        They will only change when THEY choose to,
        which may not occur even during their entire
        *visit* on this planet called earth.

        I watch the people that I cared for
        in their baby years until adulthood,
        and they continue to amaze me,
        as they share with me aspects of their experiences.
        I feel deeply honored by each of them
        when they choose to include me
        in the sharing of their life,
        thoughts, dreams, frustrations and activities.

        I think all of this type of respect,
        bears itself out in the quality of output
        within the *receipient.
        As even my Kobudo students
        many years ago, showed a high grade quality.
        They blossomed, because I tried to make it FUN.
        I listened to each one, asking what were their goals?
        To what degree skillmanship were they wanting to attain?
        (since some wanted to compete in tournaments,
        and some where just there to get the required
        bojitisu black belt
        to proceed to 2nd lvl back belt in Karate)

        I also had fun *kamps* where we worked out,
        on skits, upcomming public demos, etc...
        but also spent time just simply relaxing and playing,
        swimming and picnicing as people.
        (outside of just a practice dojo)
        We had celebration dinners only for ourselves.
        (for the *team*).

        No one else did this..
        and you could see extreme forms
        of competition and tensions between those students.
        My students saw each other as brothers,
        and friends that they were sharing a common love
        of sport, with graceful respect of learned skills.

        I remember the mother of one of my students,
        trying to get me to *tell * her child to workout more
        at home.
        She did this in front of her son, btw.
        I told her that was not my job.
        The only one that could put in the extra effort,
        if he so chose, was the son himself.
        I also told her that he was doing fine in my eyes,
        and meeting his test requirements.
        He was amazed I think to see another person
        stand up for him, against his mother.
        This child went on to gain black belt
        in both Kobudo, and karate,
        and began to show me a very accelerated
        level of respect after that interaction.
        His mother was failing
        to give him unconditional support
        and instead had fallen into critical manipulation
        and control aspects.
        This could have resulted in his just plain giving up.
        When you give back the power to people
        over their own choices,
        they will blossom and become wonderful flowers
        in this garden of life.

        The core again, is Respect and Fun,
        always supported by love of each individuals'
        unique personal identity.

        Thanks for responding,
        have a great weekend.

        Ami Joi Benton.

        Reply   FCK   TinyMCE  
        This is my avatar. Click here to see my profile.
        • tis a matter of perspective...   by  drofinnah     19 y     1,871
          i still see you as a "KICKASS" mom... i guess it depends on the way one defines/perceives the word... just recently i saw that word used on a computer "sticker"... an advertisement for an "amd 64 bit dual processor" that i was very much interested in getting... because it has enough power to get the job done... which in my opinion describes you to a tee... and i only mean that in the highest degree of regard and respect...

          "and i am still willing to bet that your kids do not sass you"... i think not from fear of your prowess... but rather due to their mutual respect... you respect them and they in turn respect you... you allow them their space... their say... their opinions... you give them freedom (in the truest sense of the word)... so... in that regard why would they ever feel the need...

          life amounts to nothing without honor... without truth... without commitment... without disciplines... and these adapted properly and well practiced will surely bring forth a life of happiness and contentment... a true joy of living...

          so... underneath it all your kids know and understand the value of discipline which you have shown them must exist... as the old saying goes...

          "you don't just talk the talk... you walk the walk"...

          you have lived your life openly... with much passion... desire... discipline... honor ... and respect... an example for everyone to see and admire... (especially for all your kids) ... for it is a very difficult task to teach anyone the value of discipline from books... or simply by telling them... yet is much more simple to learn through ones experiences... as they have seen the fruits of your commitment and dedication... which is undeniable proof... and thus have much more apprecitation for the long term payoff that dicipline brings...

          not only that... but you have gained much "wisdom" from the disciplines aquired by the martial arts you practice... wisdom is very much like discipline in that it comes more in natural manners... wisdom is not aquired from books... that's "education"...

          many people misconstrue the two words... but the two are certainly not the same... for it is possible to be an educated idiot so to speak... all the education in the world does not mean one will ever know how to apply it in their everyday lives... which is where "wisdom" comes in...

          forgive me for rambling... all i meant to say... was tell you that i think you are a shining example of what a "KICKASS" mom should be like... there is much for everyone to learn from you... (yet i'm sure you'll agree... that it is all an inside job)...

          thank you for sharing with us... i am sure that everyone that reads your blog will be touched in a spiritually by what you have shared with us...

          and again i thank you...
          for you have helped to make it...
          "a wonderful day in the neighborhood"...

          Reply   FCK   TinyMCE  
          This is my avatar. Click here to see my profile.
          • lol I can agree   by  Wrenn     19 y     1,597
            I have met many people in my path of life,
            that some would call *gifted*,
            higher IQ intelligent persons:
            yet these same people
            often could not randomly create a meal,
            or follow directions...
            or use natural basic common sense.

            They were (to me) dysfunctional.
            Not in balance as a whole integrated person.

            The same could be said of persons
            that live lives of continual
            drama and emotional rollercoasters.
            They too only live on one side of the spectrum.

            We must live within the balance of the two.
            Not being afraid to feel and experience life,
            with restraint enough to not get addicted
            to the pull of negative dramas,
            while yet also utilising that wonderful
            intelligence with common sense,
            that we all share in the truth of our
            Divine selves.

            Reply   FCK   TinyMCE  
            This is my avatar. Click here to see my profile.
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