- Long time....no post/ Walk with me by lfire
19 y
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Blog: Dreaming a new reality
It has been a long time since I posted...lots has happened....which I won't go into right now......
I was sitting around kind of in a meditative mode the other day and got this....
decided to post it! here it is.
Walk Wih Me
Here I am....alone in my vision.
Will you join me there? it is lonely out here walking on the razor's edge alone.
Will you walk past your doubts and fears down an unknown road and follow a path that's not there?
Do you dare to leave the comfort of the box you've created to skip across the rainbow?
Do you dare to climb free of the guards you hold onto so passionately?
Can you let go of the chains that bind you.....imaginary though they may be?
Dare you tred where no path exsists and know not where it leads?
Dare you create a new way to see, a new way to think, a new way to be?
If you dare to see what's not there, and dream the impossible, If you dare to claim the vision......
join with me in walking amid the stars. Let's create the world we have thus far only imagined! Let'sreach across the galaxies that don't exist, follow our ownroads where there are no shadows, only sunlight, where nightime embrasses our dreams as we turn them into reality, Let's sing our own songs, write our own words make a new world.....
Come....walk with me!
![This is my avatar. Click here to see my profile.](http://curezone.com/upload/Members/LFIRE/tn-Self_Portrait_LFIRE.jpg) lfire
- Walk With Me by Maragaiasong
19 y
An exquisite vision and one well worth pursuing. Going into unknown territory can be both eerie and inspiring -- scary yet exhilarating. Kind of like free-falling, which is what I call it. Doesn't matter what we call it. When the old, well-beaten path becomes a dead end, it's time to take that plunge into the unknown. Dangerous? Maybe. But it sure beats the heck out of the dull, insipid, stale alternative. I'm with you -- let's go for it.
![This is NOT me. This is just randomly assigned avatar, until I upload my own photo. Click here to see my profile.](https://www.curezone.org/upload/Members/Faces/tn-041117sundown2am.gif) Maragaiasong