- Archetype wheel and a dream Feb 2 2006 by thinkfirst
19 y
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Blog: Energy Medicine Exploration
I am going to expand this blog to include the stuff I am learning about archetypes and dreams too - when they are useful.
Carolyn Myss - Sacred Contracts.
I am clear about my earthly mission and I am on track right now.
This book expands on what that mission is and will help me to examine
places that needs work and places where I am strong.
I picked some of the archetypes that really appealed to me that felt right and then tested them all with the biotensor. There were a few that did not fit because of the testing so I picked new ones and they all tested correctly. I will go thru all the archetypes that I picked and to which category they belong. I will do this over time as I understand them.
I just quickly did the casting and it did seem rather random to me, but it seemed to fit. What seems random to us - may not be when intuition and other unseen things are involved.
I will first describe the 12th house - intuition. This is where I approach it as a student. This seems absolutly right. I am always learning and happy to learn and feel it will be a never-ending learning process. So an experience in learning about my own intuition just occured in the past 24 hours.
We had a large check from insurance to pay for a car repair. It came a few days ago and I put it on the shelf because I was not ready to go to the bank. Last night I began gathering things that needed to go to the bank. Check is no where to be found. I searched and cleaned for about an hour. I prayed for house angels to help and knew it was just time to go to bed and think about it next day. I asked for a dream during the night to help me know where to go next or where to look or what to do with this little dilema.
3 dreams with different story lines but all the same theme. I will describe the clearest one. I am in a play and it starts in 30 minutes. I rode my bike there and then I realize that I do not have all the props that I need. I have left them at home. I ride my bike home as fast as possible but realize it will be tight. I go around and gather and gather. I need to pick another dress for the play but I am not finding what I need in the closet. There are other people involved here too helping me gather and going to give me a ride back and we are unable to completely find everything before the dreams end. In each dream other people must help me and I do not have everything I need to fix the problem and I never solve the problem in the dream.
To me the interpretation was clear. The check is not here, I am not going to find it. I need to have other people help me. Because of these dreams, I did not search anymore and I decided to just get on with the process of finding the people to help me. I went with the attitude that all these people will be a blessing and be able to help me solve the problem. My meditation during yoga was a preplay of the phone calls and that it will all be solved quickly and easily and I will feel relieved and happy and peaceful about the whole thing. I would learn patience and other people will learn grace for those of us who lose things!
After finding the right person and phone number the problem was solved quickly and easily and totally fabulously. No problem at all. So what I gained from this was the experience of asking for a dream and having several and working with my intuition and learning what it feels like.
I am liking the process of working with dreams because I have lived my whole life in the left brain field and when I can shut off the conscious mind in sleep then the message comes thru nicely. This will be a good method for me.
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- dreaming of a time.... by finallyfaith
19 y
yeah, dreams are really amazing. i hope you visit the dream forum on curezone, i have been holding the fort down over there and would appreciate any other input. also carolyn myss is really fantastic, she just says some of the most amazing things. i haven't read any of her archetype work, i should check that out. thanks for the interesting blog entry.
![This is my avatar. Click here to see my profile.](http://curezone.com/upload/members/faces/new/tn-kirlian_Nautilus_shell.jpg) finallyfaith