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    The New Earth

The New Earth
by Deborah Lockett

56 blog entries; 17 entries per page; 1 pages; viewed 916,398 times
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  • The Power of Music   by  Deborah Lockett     18 y     3,651       6 Messages Shown       Blog: The New Earth
    The most curious thing happened this evening while I was playing Mike Rowland's "Magical Elfin Collection".

    I was sitting on a mattress in the middle of the room, working on a recumbent client. It was dusk and apart from the remaining glimmers of natural light coming in through the window, the only light in the room came from a candle.

    One of the tracks has a march tune, and I was imagining what a group of angels would look like in a parade or procession, marching to this tune.

    Gradually, the air in the room took on a "sticky" quality – the sort of stickiness that makes metal objects stick to a magnet. Time had moved on a little and another track was playing.

    Suddenly, about half way between the floor and the ceiling, iridescent bubbles of light began to appear in the air.

    In some way they resembled the famous "orbs" that have been so well documented in both writing and photography on the Internet.

    But they had a diaphanous and porous membrane, more like a bubble. The membrane looked to be made of luminous fine threads, almost like a woven cloth of light.

    The air grew thick with these bubbles and, slowly and gracefully, they circled in procession around my head in a clockwise direction, moving gently up and down but never touching or jostling one another.

    As my mind dropped down to my heart in response to what I was feeling, to my amusement, amongst the bubbles appeared some little pink 3-dimensional hearts.

    They behaved so cutely, bobbing up and down to the music, reminding me of children at play.

    This went on until the current track finished playing.

    It was clear that these little visitors were not from our world. Their presence was proof that beautiful music has the power to draw to us, perhaps from a great distance, sweet and loving life forms that grace and bless our living environment.
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    Deborah Lockett
    • parade of angels ...   by  bluestar     18 y     2,655
      a lovely vision, indeed. does this kind of moving in/out/between dimensions happen to you often? how lovely of the "angels" to have responded so sweetly to your query ....

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      • Re: parade of angels ...   by  Deborah Lockett     18 y     2,725
        Hi bluestar ... I thought afterwards that the parade I saw was triggered by the images my mind put out earlier of angels on parade, i.e. some beings came in response to those thoughts.

        While I was sitting in a circle to develop clairvoyance one of my buddies in the circle told me that the angels liked the pictures my mind was putting out - although she herself had no way of knowing what I was doing, because I hadn't talked about it.

        Since then it has been quite clear to me that whatever we think, angels can actually see. And when it's a pretty thought, of course they see a correspondingly pretty image.

        It also struck me that what I was seeing in the room were four dimensional forms, but they had somehow managed to "convert" themselves to fit into three dimensions so they could be present there, and I could see them. I imagine it's something like you or me flattening ourselves completely so as to be seen in the world of a two-dimensional being: quite a feat, and it must take quite a lot of effort on the part of the entity doing it.

        I don't know if you've noticed, but sometimes after seeing an interesting object, form etc. in a dream or during meditation, we sort of "lose" it after returning to waking consciousness: we simply can't reconstruct it in our mind.

        An example I can give is that I had a dream where my mother and I were walking down a yellow spiral staircase. I have no idea what the symbolical meaning of that is; however, on waking I was quite aware that the staircase must have been four dimensional because I simply couldn't see it then as it had been.

        On those occasions, what we have seen was four dimensional, and we were only capable of seeing it as it truly is while in our altered state of dreaming or meditating.

        Anyway, when one is aware of beings such as these bubbles of light it really is appropriate to thank them and acknowledge the effort they put into being with us physically.
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        Deborah Lockett
        • Re: parade of angels ...   by  FlyingSwan     18 y     2,498
          Hi Debbie

          I was just wondering what you see as the fourth dimension?

          My understanding is the three dimensions are up-down, left- right, forward-backward, yes?

          Is the fourth dimension? Time or space? Or is it transcending into the object? I.e. going down the layers of its physical form until you come to the underlying field of no-form and no-time and -space? Where there is pure consciousness, pure energy, that is just self-aware?

          Thank you for helping my understanding as to what you mean by the fourth Dimension?
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          • Re: parade of angels ...   by  Deborah Lockett     18 y     2,800
            Bear in mind that there are more than four dimensions so whatever theory we expound to explain what the fourth dimension is must take in them all.

            Here is an example of a 4-dimensional object or form:


            Objects or forms such as this can be viewed and perceived directly when we are in an altered state of consciousness, such as meditation or dreaming; at these times our mind is operating in 4D mode. However, when we return to waking consciousness we no longer have a conception of what the form or object is really like because we cannot conceive it when our mind is functioning in 3D.

            Artistic, creative people such as graphic designers seem to attempt to reproduce 4 dimensional objects in the logos etc. of their clients. This 4D ring is an example. One only has to look at a number of company letterheads to come across one which attempts to depict a 4D object.

            Presumably the designer has seen this object, e.g. in a dream, although he may not consciously remember this when he does his design.

            Really the best way to know what 4D is, is just to note those occasions when we dreamed of an interesting object but then, on waking, we seemed to "lose" it as our mind faded across the boundary from 4D to 3D.
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            Deborah Lockett
            • Re: parade of angels ...   by  rudenski     18 y     2,771
              I have been in several situations where I was at the 8-9 + pain threshold and I have seen childlike angels laughing or singing. I had injured my reinjured my neck severly. My brother was letting me stay at his house while I was recovering. One time I was sleeping naked, I woke up to what I thought were a visitor's young children climbing all over my bed. These children were as real as anything. When I sat up, I realized my nakedness and covered up. As I covered up the singing laughing children kept laughing and singing as they ran outside the door. I chased them to an empty room and they went right through the wall. Sometime I get the laughing children angels when I am physically or emotionally in very bad shape. I wanted to follow them but as I ran to the wall... I stopped.

              At the lowest point of my life, there was someone who told me to kill myself several times. It was as if I was in a drugged trance. I went out to a back garage with a rope. Tied a crude noose and tied it off. I stood on a chair. As I was putting the noose around my neck and before I could even contemplate stepping off, I heard joyful laughing children running around playing right outside the shed. I thought in that moment of the horrible impact it would have to see my dead body swinging from that beam, for those children. I shakily took the noose from around my neck and walked out of the shed but there were no children anywhere.

              Another time I was going to lead a group of volunteers to help restore the damage to the houses of some families whose houses had been flooded and damaged. The living conditions were horrible there. I prayed for supernatural protection over the volunteers. As I drove down the road away from the day of repairing homes, I look up and there were two angels standing back to back, at least 100 feet tall. One had a huge sword and the other had a huge shield. I started to tremble in awe at the specticle. I knew somehow that I was in the right place and there was divine protection over the mission we had.

              In another time, I created a one time event where hundreds of people were going to come and help out. As I was heading out, the same person who asked me to kill myself some earlier months before, swung her hand around her head and said she was cursing the night before the event. That night, a severe lightning storm broke out. It was as if there were a war going on in the sky. The morning arose and clouds had cleared. I went to the parking lot where we were supposed to meet on that saturday morning and there was only one person there. I wish now I had gone with that one person to help those people that day but I lost heart. I reformed smaller groups of volunteers and instead of a one time event, our small band of volunteers stayed all summer. It was a magical time. Little miracles happening every day.

              There were mounds of trash piled up but one day because a news camera showed up, I believe the county started doing something about it. Then the trash was gone. All kinds of people began helping after that. With a dozen buckets of donated paint, several hammers and some donated lumber and sheetrock, things started happening.
              All of a sudden, lawyers and commisioners, and big shots started showing up wanting to help. What started with a few helping hands was becoming something much bigger than a one day, feel good event.

              One day we were working on a woman's house where tubeculosis was present. The husband had left town after a fight. The lady's son was beating a tree in the front yard with a bumper. I am sure life in that home was a nightmare. There was standing water beneath the peer & beam home. where they lived. We channeled septic water away from her house. We added sheetrock to the house where sheets were the walls. It was a filthy place. The mother was so sunken down. As we were painting the house, I noticed the woman sweeping up. It was the first sign of life at the home as far as I could tell. One day we came back and the yard had been cleaned up a bit and pick-up truck was parked outside the door. There was beautiful music streaming from the house. We walked by and it was the woman singing the most beautiful spanish song I have ever heard. The woman's husband had moved back in.

              One house we added a room so an older son would not have to move away to another town with relatives. Eventually, the county forced the hand of the man who sold this group of people homes with no running water, to give up the the property to those people. The man sold lots in a low part of a pasture where water gravitated to. Traditional septic systems did not work there. By this time the whole little community became involved. The houses were moved apart from each other to where they could acommadate
              large special septic systems that grants paid for and in the end, every person in that neighborhood owned their home outright.

              Sometimes, if I look really quickly behind me, I catch vague glimpses of 4th dimensional or whatever, otherwise invisible beings. I am certain that many are there to help. Sometimes I feel them looking over my shoulder as I type. I feel them now.
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