- RN Urine! by Oztin
18 y
31,655 5 Messages Shown
Blog: Yoga, Urine and Sungazin'
The Link Above will take you to a page filled with all R and RN posts
concerning Urine Therapy.
I have Taken over this blog on behalf of preserving the most inspiring
messages that Oztin took time to share.
One of great note : Could it get any weirder than this?
I felt very strongly that his blog needed to be safeguarded from possible
other folks that might disagree with his posts, being able to access the blog
and wipe out such wonderful messages as those.
Should ANYONE have a message they want to include on this blog,
simply post a comment on this message,
and I will make it into a new message on the blog,
with credit given to whoever supplied it (if it is in support of
Urine Therapy, and sungazing).
Thanks to understand.
And especially thank you to Oztin,
for having been here as such an inspirator
I just realised today, that the real Oztin deleted many of his wonderful posts
and made most all of them n/t ones on 2/9/2006 (the day before he left the blog
open to anyone.)
I do not know his reasons why,
but in light of this,
I will hide those messages, and if he returns, he can unhide and maybe
put the messages back in (the info he had on them)
so that those that might read here, might not get frustrated with the n/t ones.
- I love it. by JeSuisButterfly
18 y
Love it, love it, love it...
That you, such a wise and sweet Being, took over the care of this blog, this name. Oztin.
I love it.
Thank you.
I'm so gracious.. thank you.
- I tried to email Oztin, but it was returned. by Oztin
18 y
If he ever wants the blog back,
have him write a message or ask you to,
and I will email him with new password,
so he can continue on with new messages.
I hope that all is well with him and nothing of a serious
health nature has caused him to abandon his blog