RN Urine! 18 y
Some Great Informative Reading Posts all pertaining to Urine Theraphy.
The Link Above will take you to a page filled with all R and RN posts
concerning Urine Therapy.
I have Taken over this blog on behalf of preserving the most inspiring
messages that Oztin took time to share.
One of great note : Could it get any weirder than this?
I felt very strongly that his blog needed to be safeguarded from possible
other folks that might disagree with his posts, being able to access the blog
and wipe out such wonderful messages as those.
Should ANYONE have a message they want to include on this blog,
sim ... read more
Open Blog 18 y
You can have this blog, it’s all yours.
If you want to post on it,
login username: oztin
password: drinkitall
Try it... it will work.
visit the page
Two Years of Uropathy 18 y
Moving forward, savoring every drop, every sunrise and sunset, every step of the way.
It has been two years since I embarked on the journey that is Uropathy.
What have I learned? Where have I been? Where am I going? Where am I?
Also, at the end of January, I will have been doing 100% Uropathy for 10 months!!! WOW!
100% means that I’m utilizing all of my urine. I drink about 90%, save and massage in about 8%, "wash" my hands with about 2% when I’m in a public bathroom without a cup to pee in, and use the rest (less than 1%) for my naso cup (urine up the nose!) and my eye wash, urine instead of Murine.&nbs ... read more
Shivambu Kalpa 19 y
Shiva Speaks
From the Shivambu Kalpa Vidhi (verses 9 through 21): "Shivambu is a
divine nectar! It is capable of abolishing old age and various types
of diseases and ailments... All the ailments subject to from the very
birth will be completely cured... One’s body will be internally
cleansed... Drinking it for two months stimulates and energizes the
senses... Followed for three months, all types of ailments will
disappear and all miseries will evaporate... After five months, the
follower will be completely healthy, and will be bestowed with divine
eyesight... After six mont ... read more
Be Still And Know I Am God 19 y
Sit quietly in a relaxed position, and, when wholly at ease, let your mind take in the significance of these words:
From the book, ”The Impersonal Life”.
Now, in order that you may learn to know Me, so that you can be sure it is I, you own True Self, Who speak these words, you must first learn to Be Still, to quiet your human mind and body and all their activities, so that you no longer are conscious of them.
You may not yet be able to do this, but I will teach you how, if you really want to know Me, and are willing to prove it by trusting Me and obeying Me in all that I now shall call upon you to do.
Try to imagine the ”I” who speaks throughout these pages as b ... read more
Best Medical Article on Urine 19 y
Modern Medical and Scientific Aspects of Auto Urine Therapy
Modern Medical and Scientific Aspects of Auto Urine Therapy
Over the years Urine therapy has proved to be an effective tool for
healing. Most urine therapists some of whom have been practicing
urine therapy for decades have never sought an explanation for why it
works: their own experiences were sufficient proof for some time now
however, there has been increasing interest in the search for a
scientific explanation. This is because urine therapists believe it
is important for urine therapy to be acknowledged as a valid method
of treatment: doctor should be well informed about t ... read more
Superfoods for the Brain 19 y
mind, brain, superfoods
Scientific Thinking about Uropathy 19 y
Although Shivambu is wholistic, sacred and Divine, scientific thinking should prevail in it's study and practice.
Essene Gospel of Peace 19 y
Jesus's words on Sungazing in the Essene Gospel of Peace
When you can gaze on the brightness of the noonday sun with unflinching eyes, you can then look upon the blinding light of your Heavenly Father, which is a thousand times brighter than the brightness of a thousand suns. But how should you look upon the blinding light of you r Heavenly Father, when you cannot even bear the shining of the blazing sun? Believe me, the sun is as the flame of a candle beside the sun of truth of the Heavenly Father. Have but faith, therefore, and hope, and love.
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The Big Event of 2012 19 y
Prepare for the Big Event of 2012
Keys to Enlightenment 19 y
Other keys to enlightenment include proper nutrition including supplements, adequate exercise, and surrounding yourself with like-minded people willing to support you in your growth.
You have three keys towards Enlightenment, Happiness and Bliss.
visit the page
Dear Lord Shiva 19 y
Let us drink from the Spring of Eternal Life and we may never thirst again.
Dear Lord Shiva,
Thank you for your gift to Mankind. May we be worthy to partake of the precious Living Waters that flow through us. Lead us away from foods and drinks that would pollute our otherwise clear stream that springs forth from our bellies. Deliver us Lord into the promised salvation that awaits your devotees. Our riches are stored in the Kingdom of Heaven, and as Lord Jesus Christ says, The Kingdom of Heaven is found within.
So, let Your Divine Will reign on Earth, as it is in the Kingdom of Heaven. May Shivambu cleans ... read more
Jesus Healed Using Cannibis 19 y
"Jesus was almost certainly a cannabis user and an early proponent of the medicinal properties of the drug, according to a study of scriptural texts published this month. The study suggests that Jesus and his disciples used the drug to carry out miraculous healings. "
Source: http://www.cannabis.net/articles/jesus.html
The anointing oil used by Jesus and his disciples contained an ingredient called kaneh-bosem which has since been identified as cannabis extract, according to an article by Chris Bennett in the drugs magazine, High Times, entitled Was Jesus a Stoner? The incense used by Jesus in ceremonies also contained a cannabis extract, suggests Mr Bennett, who quotes scholars to back his claims.
”There can be little doubt about a role for cannabis in Judaic religion,” Carl Ruck, professor of classical mythology at Boston University s ... read more
The Master advocates Sungazing 19 y
Master Jesus Speaks on Sungazin'
”Love without End Jesus Speaks...”
pg. 125
”Directly receiving sunlight at sunrise or sunset will actually help increase your frequency levels. Whenever you do this, your body chemically responds, and stimulates the manufacture of certain nutrients your energy level is otherwise too low to produce. Chemical resonance equals energy frequencies and vice versa. Actually, much of the value of hard mineral traces in your bodies is the energetic matrix generated by them. The sun can provide this directly, for it contains both the substance and the fire of every mineral ava ... read more
Month 2 of 100% Uropathy is in the Books 19 y
That subtle shift in viewpoint makes a world of difference in navigating life.
Be cool 19 y
Once we get the "100th monkey" drinking his own urine and gazing into the sun, then the movement will take life on it's own
Blog of my future blogs 19 y
Yeah yeah yeah.
Prioritizing Life 19 y
Setting priorities.
Introduction 19 y
Who I am