- Open Blog by Oztin
18 y
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Blog: Yoga, Urine and Sungazin'
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- Why?? by #43216
18 y
2,182 Reply FCK TinyMCE
- Edited by Dan Lambson
18 y
I tried UT a while back, six or seven months ago, and was unable to continue after a couple of weeks because I started having acid reflux and was unable to even lay down for several days after I stopped the UT. I'm afraid to go back to it even though I have strep right now and want to avoid using antibiotics, because they mess my whole digestive system up even if I am taking a good pro-biotic. Does anyone have any real good advice on how I overcome the sensitive stomach problem so I can do anything to cleanse without developing bleeding ulcers and end up hospitalized as I have in the past?
Dan Lambson
- Re: ut by sweetlife
18 y
about your sensitive stomach... I attended a lecture by David Wolfe where he talked about how green juice are extremely beneficial for people with sensitive digestive tract. In particular, he mentions celery juice (because of the salts) as one of the most healing.
I have a friend who tried the celery juice and it really helped ease the physical pain and truly promoted healing. Sadly though, the emotional pain that comes with healing was too much, and my friend did not follow through and still suffers with a degenerating condition.
I have another friend who is a therapist/councelor, and his opinion is that people with extremely sensitive digestive systems are usually very nervous and the sensitivity results from their habitual thought patterns (which in turn, creates over acidic production which contributes to the condition). Usually, they are nervous because of severe abuse as children.
I have no experience in the arena, so I can only relay information but offer no advice. However, if it were me, I would examine my inner-life, while at the same time, go through the motions of physically healing my body by providing it with proper nutrition, both physicall in forms of foods (that don't irritate my system), and emotional healing in the form of finding a support group and helping support others in similar condition or worse. It might seem odd to suggest to help others, when you are the one in need of help, but trust me, that's how the universe works. You will get back what you give, a hundred thousand million fold.
Now, with the UT. Again, this is not a recommendation, just what I personally would do if I suffered similar symptoms. If I were suffering from acid reflux and were reluctant to drink my own urine but still wanted to gain the benefits of ut, then I would gargle my urine as much as I can, with every passing. Fresh from the source, I would tilt my head back, gargle for at least 2 minutes, then spit it out. All the while, giving thanks to the Lord through all miracles are made possible.
I wouldn't rinse my mouth, I would keep the residual urine in there, as it will have a homeopathic effect. I would do this repeatedly all day long.
But that's just me and that's what I would do. Remember, all information you gather from the Internet is for entertainment purposes only, and must not ever be construed as advice. Let intuition be your guide, but if you always support the people who supported you, surely, you will live the life the Good Lord intended, the Sweet Life (with or without UT). :-)