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    Experiments with electricity as a healing tool

Experiments with electricity as a healing tool
by Freeformcreation

12 blog entries; 12 entries per page; 1 pages; viewed 78,353 times
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  • Some thoughts on Rife   by  Freeformcreation     13 y     2,384       3 Messages Shown       Blog: Experiments with electricity as a healing tool
    What Rife might have been using and the implications of emerging technologies to help understand it's effects. That is what I would like to consider for a moment. I have only bits and pieces of info from reports others have taken and my own experimental findings to draw from but I'm gunna through out some ideas I've had about Rife technology and newer frequency based healing technologies. I have worked with a neon helium gas tube in some testing and did notice as did others that tried it an anti pain effect. The tube was being driven with high voltage from an ignition coil. The output from the coil is mostly dc biased though there are no diodes in the coil itself. From the gas tube a static field can be felt. After testing it with a diode to rectify the output it's healing effects seemed to be more pronounced. I have read that Rife's tubes may have also had properties to them that would have made the voltage going through the gas tube biased dc. Now if that were the case and we see newer technologies also dc based although lower in voltage and not of the exactness of frequency that also have reports of benefit, what might be an explanation. Perhaps it is the static dc field or some component of it that is interacting with micro organisms. This field would carry the frequencies and if they where reactive with the organism they might disable or kill it. With this in consideration the, field and the frequency, perhaps an exact frequency may not be needed since it is the field itself that interacts with the organism. Like how air carries audible waves. Maybe there are wave properties carried by this static field that would make it more destructive to micro organisms like a square wave with it's shape quick impulse of energy. Maybe testin those concepts could unite past and present technologies and help us understand their workings so that better ones can be created in the future.
    Reply   FCK   TinyMCE  
    This is NOT me. This is just randomly assigned avatar, until I upload my own photo. Click here to see my profile.
    • Re: Some thoughts on Rife   by  kerminator     13 y     1,653     1 of 1 (100%)


        Having worked as an electrical engineer for over thirty years I find your experiments interesting! 

      Reply   FCK   TinyMCE  
      This is my avatar. Click here to see my profile.
      • Re: Some thoughts on Rife   by  Freeformcreation     13 y     1,945
        I have little training myself and the knowledge that I have accumulated is really hobby level at best. I have been working at this for a good while though and did hope that others might be able to get something from my observations. As you can see the difficulty to construct what I am using is not great. Thanks for the encouragement though. If I have any breakthroughs you'll find them on my blog. :) and if this gives you any ideas on how I might could improve my setup based on the general principles mentioned above I would love to hear them.
        Reply   FCK   TinyMCE  
        This is NOT me. This is just randomly assigned avatar, until I upload my own photo. Click here to see my profile.
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