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by Mayah

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  • Bastet/Feral Cat   by  Mayah     13 y     37,250       10 Messages Shown       Blog: EarthSpirit

    I took this picture of Bastet yesterday. She’s a beautiful little cat with bright blue eyes. I think she's at least part Siamese. She looks young to me, maybe not much past kitten-hood. Adolescent? Photo by Mayah 1-4-2011


    Last month, a cat adopted me. She's been living in my garage. I've named her Bastet, after the Egyptian cat goddess. She's feral, very shy, and initially wouldn’t let me get close to her. After about a week of feeding her, she approached me, meowing loudly. I took this to mean "where's my food?!?!" I fed her, and then squatted down to her level, letting her smell my hands; she rubbed all over my legs and purred. I tried to pet her but she hissed at me.

    Two days ago, Bastet let me pet her. She seemed happy, but then I made a movement to get up from my squatting position and she whipped her head around so fast I couldn’t react in time—she bit hard, leaving 3 small puncture wounds in my hand. (I'm treating the wounds with homeopathy—oral colloidal silver/topical colloidal gold & bentonite clay--feels much better now!) Then she jumped about four feet away from me, but didn’t run away; instead, she sat quietly with huge round eyes and stared at me, as if waiting to see what my reaction would be. In pain, I yelled “Bad cat!”, then stood up and stared at her, my hand dripping with blood. I was angry at first, then realized she couldn’t help it, that my movement had triggered a flight/fight response in her.

    Bastet came around yesterday and rubbed all over my legs after I fed her. It was obvious she wanted me to pet her but I didn't (duh, why not?). Instead I let her rub all over my legs as I talked calmly to her. She tried to jump up on my leg and had her claws out, but I said "NO!" and walked away. By the time I got in my front door, she was at my back door meowing loudly and looking in at me through the glass. I talked to her through the screen door and went out to let her rub my legs a couple of times during the day. She meowed at me on and off all day, until 11:00pm!! Front door, back door, and even bathroom window! She obviously wants attention and affection. I’m trying to socialize her slowly. She’s still very skittish and I have to walk  
          v-e-r-y      s-l-o-w-l-y    around her as she runs off at the slightest movement. This morning she was meowing at the back door again.

    Anyone know how to socialize a feral cat?

    Anyone know how to cage her? I’d like to get her to the vet and have her spayed—the last thing I want is for her to have kittens in my garage! We have enough unwanted cats in the world and the no-kill animal shelter in my area can’t take in any more.

    Bastet, Cat Goddess:

    Symbolic Meaning of cats:

    "Here's a quick-list for cat animal symbolism: Astute, Clever, Secretive, Mysterious, Intelligent, Intuitive, Supernatural, Watchfulness, Selective, Independent"


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    • Re: Bastet/Feral Cat   by  Raynbo     13 y     2,306
      It sounds like you are doing a pretty good job already. You might try doing a search on "socializing feral cats" for ideas. You also might try finding people in your area who work with feral cats...or vets that specialize in cats...
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      • Re: Bastet/Feral Cat   by  Mayah     13 y     2,166
        thank you for writing! since I posted this, a friend of mine has given me info. about a cat rescue organization in my area who may be able to help me with Bastet.

        The cat is getting more friendly by the day. She now seeks me out regularly, comes when I call her (especially when I shake the cat food bag!). She rubs my daughter's legs now, also. She likes to sit outside the screen door and peer in, and "talks" to me while I'm on the computer. I talk back to her!

        She's still very skittish about hands. I let her sniff my hands through the screen door but I'm skittish myself about petting her, especially 'cause my wounds are still healing! I may try petting her with gloves on, in case she tries to bite again!

        I'll keep you posted on my progress!

        Blessings! Mayah
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    • Re: Bastet/Feral Cat   by  Sacristia     13 y     2,074

      Regarding Bastet being half Siamese or even part Siamese: She can't be that since she has the coloring of a siamese. In order to get that coloring, both parents have to be Siamese. As Siamese are born white and grow into their colorings as they get older in their kittenhood. Any Siamese that breed with another breed of cat, will not have Siamese markings. They will have Siamese characteristics, such as a wedge shaped face or a very slender body. My mother used to raise Siamese cats, and I have seen half-Siamese kittens, since my mother's queen Siamese got outside a couple times, during her breeding period. Each cat had Siamese like characteristics. They are very noticiable, especially when you are familar with them. My mother currently has a half Siamese cat, named Othello, who is a tall blue eyed, slender, wedge shaped head, skinny tail black cat. He is definately half Siamese.

      As to dealing with a feral cat, it can be hard and very trying, as it is a work in process. Sometimes that cat's whole life. Depending how it was abused, it might warm up to a lot quicker then most feral cats do. If she is socializing with you, then she most have had some type of socialization as a kitten. Most kittens without socialization, will be very feral and it will be very hard for you get to close to them to even pet, since they have not trust in human touch.

      I have a 7 year old cat, now that was semi feral as a kitten. She still is skittish and jumps and runs when I move to quickly around her. She has even bitten me lightly at times, when I don't pet her exactly as she likes. She is like this because she was an abused, abandoned and feral kitten at about 5 weeks of age. Only in time, has she become more calm and even affectionate to me. But she still have those skittish moments, that I now realize she will never grow out of.

      One thing about Siamese cats, if they choose a person. It is true with most cats that a cat owns you and you don't own them. But more so, that a Siamese cats choose one person to be their owner in a household. They are very much like Chows (a type of breed of dog)who choose their masters and only listen and follow them, regardless on who else tries to direct them. So if Bastet is showing some type of socialization with you, then she is trying to choose you. Also Siamese are very vocal when it comes to expressing their needs, such as food and affectionate. Most people dislike this because it can be annoying to them, but I enjoy it as all (two) of my cats (neither of them are Siamese)are very vocal to me. I guess I like it because it how I socialize with them. When they cry or meeow to me, I pay attention to them, like they were really trying to tell me something.

      I would say that Bastet is at least a year old by the looks of her. She might be a little younger then that, but it is hard to tell unless a vet looks at her teeth to get an idea. Most Siamese cats coats and markings really darken as they get older, unless they are pregnant, then they tend to lose their coloring a bit, as it is drained by the pregnancy. It is really fun to watch the lightening up of the markings when they are pregnant. It returns to normal, after the birth.

      You might want to talk to your local vet to see if you can borrow a live animal trap to catch the feral cat, you want to get fixed. Vets are very good at help people do this, as they also want to cut down the unwanted kittens. If a vet can't help you with a live animal trap, you might want to try a local animal shelter that might help you. At least, one of those places can give you more information on what you such do to help capture the animal if you are unable to obtain a borrowed live animal trap from them.

      I hope this helps. She is a very lovely Siamese.
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      • Re: Bastet/Feral Cat   by  Mayah     13 y     2,119
        thank you so much for all of this great information! so I know that Bastet is a all Siamese because of her markings! she IS a beautiful cat!

        I thought maybe she had some socializing as a kitten, because she definitely wants human company. yes, she does talk a lot! I talk back to her--"meowing" sometimes and sometimes speaking with words. she is getting much friendlier.

        she likes me to stand next to her while she eats. when she's eating, her head jerks up whenever she hears a sound, even if it's people talking across the street, and she's ready to bolt. When I stand next to her while she's eating, I talk to her constantly in a soothing tone, then she seems more relaxed and eats without hurry. she always rubs my legs before she eats, as though she's saying "thanks for the food!" and frequently will leave the food bowl to rub my legs then goes back to eating.

        She's actually very affectionate. She just doesn't like hands--I think it's the movement; they are unpredictable to her. She's getting better about my walking next to her although I still have to go very slowly. I always wear the same shoes when around her, so she can smell the scent she's left on them from rubbing. one time I was walking behind her and I stepped on a dry leaf that made a loud crunching noise. She whipped her head around and hissed, but stopped as soon as she saw it was me.

        in another week or so I'm going to try to use a live animal trap to get her to the vet. I hope it doesn't traumatize her. I can imagine that she's going to caterwaul a lot when she's in it, and maybe even hiss.

        thank you for telling me about your semi-feral 7 year old cat. I figured that Bastet would probably always remain somewhat skittish even over time. that's OK, I'm a nervous sort, too. My daughter says she came to me because the cat and I are alike! Maybe we can learn to calm each other. it's funny because I've never been a "cat person" but I really like her! go figure!

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    • Re: Lovely Cat   by  YOURENCHANTEDGARDENER     13 y     2,038

      1:34 pm
      January 5, 2011

      Glad you hear you are feeling a bit better
      after you biting from the cat/Cat Goddess.

      She seems a nice cat.

      Touches my heart that you have been adopted.

      I liked reading your story.


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      • Re: Lovely Cat   by  Mayah     13 y     2,252
        Thanks, EG!

        two of the wounds are almost healed. the 3rd wound festered--it was kinda gross, pus on top and a very fiery red ring around the bite hole. I've been putting colloidal gold ointment on it and bentonite clay--the clay helped bring the infection to the top, then I was able to lance it with a needle and get all of the gunk out. lo and behold--a tiny piece of brownish stuff came out today--I figure it was a small bit of cat food! Bastet was eating at the time she bit me, so this makes sense--I thought I saw it in the wound but wasn't able to get it out--the pus actually brought the food bit to the surface so I was able to clean it away today.

        the wound now looks pus-free and clean, and after the food bit was out the wound closed up in just an hour or so! the skin around the wound is now pink instead of red. isn't it amazing? pus is my friend!

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    • Cat Update   by  Mayah     13 y     2,335
      Update: two weeks to the day the cat bit me. The wounds are almost healed. The cat continues to live in my garage, and has become very bonded to me. She meows at the back door. If I don't respond, she comes looking for me by peering in at the back door slider, or in my bedroom window. She kept me company all afternoon yesterday while I was gardening, sitting a couple of feet away, clear of the screw driver I was using to dig up weeds. She'd venture closer now and then for a rub against my legs or back. She will rub up under my open palms; I stay very still and don't move my hands while she is doing this, so as not to "spook" her.

      In the past two days she will sit next to me and "guard" me. If someone walks down the street or the neighbors walk up their driveway, she lowers her head and growls deep in her throat...yes growls, like a dog! I'd never heard a cat growl before! She sounds like a miniature tiger!

      Thanks to all who wrote with advice and information!

      Blessings, Mayah
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      • 2011 Cat Update   by  Mayah     13 y     2,336
        At the end of last year, 2010, I tried having Bastet visit in my home and opened the door for her--she came right in and she loved it, quickly taking over the couch to sit on. Unfortunately a family member became very allergic. It wasn't fair to make Bastet continue to live in the garage after she'd had a taste of being in the house, so, reluctantly, I said "goodbye" to Bastet last December and had her go and live with a kind roofer who loves Siamese cats and has an older female cat in his home, along with two dogs.

        The first few months were rather rocky--Bastet mostly hid in the roofer's closet all day, and didn't come out until the roofer came home in the evening. She bit the roofer's girlfriend and mother.

        Well, it's been about a year now and Bastet, whom the roofer calls "Bassy", no longer hides in the closet and she is now the ruler of the house!

        One of the dogs used to annoy her, and after biting said dog on the nose, Bassy merely has to hiss at him if annoyed and he dutifully turns tale and walks away. The other dog keeps his distance. Bassy and the older female cat are not friends, but respectfully give each other space. She no longer bites, but hisses at the humans if they bother her. She lets the roofer pet her and even rough house with her. If he goes too far in his play, Bassy shows him her teeth; she must really trust him as she's never bitten him. This is quite an improvement for a cat that initially did not know how to socialize with people or with other animals.

        The roofer and his girlfriend continue to love her and show her much patience. I am glad that she has found a good home.
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