- Day 1... again by jason198563
15 y
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Blog: day 1... again
Well its day 1 again for me, i gave in yesterday and begin anew tomorro august 25th. I will not set a time goal this time just to go as long as i can. I know to most this water fasting thing is nuerotic and i guess it is. Obsessing over food is neurotic also. I'm very obese and i can offord to water fast for very long periods of time as a skinny person would be asking for death if they did. I know a normal diet is the answer and what i am doing is just a game. But if you have any doubt about the effects of water fasting go to http://www.youtube.com
and search Dr. goldhamer or water fasting and see all the people that have done it and how great they feel. Wish me luck!!
- Re: Day 1... again by kozzzmic
15 y
Hi again,
I've been reading blogs for support during my water fast and I came across yours. I definitely do not think water fasting is a game, and I think *deep down* you know there is merit to what you are doing. I responded to another of your blog posts just to offer my opinion on the 'healing' aspect of water fasting. In my opinion, if you suffer obesity, that is disease and water fasting can and will cure it. I do wish you all the luck. I know how difficult it can be, and all the knowledge in the world can be useless without some willpower. Take care, kozzzmic