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Apple Cider Vinegar Cure Research Blog
by RisingSun

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  • Mental Health:Apple Cider Vinegar   by  RisingSun     14 y     73,194       8 Messages Shown       Blog: Apple Cider Vinegar Cure Research Blog
    Drugs never make a condition go away but they sometimes treat symptoms that allow the chemically imbalanced mind and body to continue work, go to school and participate in life... but the cost to one's physical health and mental health is often chronic illnesses.

    Many mental and physical health conditions are probably caused by genetic predispositions that make those with those pre-dispositions more sensitive to certain stimuli such as drugs, alcohol, foods, heavy metals and other pollutants we absorb, ingest and breathe in. 85 children may all take a course of 25-35 vaccines and only 1 may come down with Autism, 5 may come down with ADD/ADHD. One in a thousand may die of SIDS from vaccines but several may have less typical neurological damage... but there are so many ways that a body can be contaminated.m Drugs, alcohol, chemical sensitivities, pollution, radiation
    and other toxins affect a thousand people in a thousand different way. Drugs are used to treat physical and mental dis-ease but they are not a cure. Drugs just treat symptoms but never get to what caused the problem in the first place. All that said, the mind and body can overcome genetics and toxic loads but the earlier in the process of dis-ease we can address our physical and mental imbalances the better. Our bodies and mind can take a lot of abuse but they need our help. How we help our bodies do the job of balancing the particular batch of chemicals that is our own body should be deliberate and sequential, so we will know what it is that helped.

    Water Cure

    One way to get back mental and physical health is make the Water Cure a lifestyle.
    Drink several glasses of distilled water with the tiniest pinch of sea salt in them every day and many mental and physical health issues will just go away or never begin in the first place. The body will use the distilled water to flush toxins out of one's body. The sea salt will re-mineralize the body. Animals know salt and water are necessary for life.

    The Water Cure is like adding distilled water to a car-battery. Humans are biochemical batteries that need water and minerals. This first and most important step in the healing process is often ignored. It seems too simple for sometimes chronic and debilitating conditions.

    How many doctors or battery salespersons would tell you that water is going to fix your problem? Doctors want to sell you drugs, office visits and operations and battery salespersons want to sell you batteries. It costs next to nothing to do the Water Cure. Batteries without a proper amount of distilled water cause the battery to get fuzzies... on the outside but also on the inside. Batteries like people with an improper chemical balance will start having electrical problems. Without a proper balance of water and minerals, our bodies and brain send improper bio-electrical signals to the brain and other parts of the body. You can replace a car battery but people will chug along operating for a long time. Reviving your own internal battery is as simple as drinking several glasses of water each day.

    For most people, about seven daily glasses of distilled water with a tiny pinch of sea salt is optimal. More sea salt than a tiny pinch is not okay. More is not better. Addictive behaviors make some believe that if one pinch of salt then a tablespoon would be better. If you add too much salt to your water then the taste may make you quit drinking your Water Cure solution. Stick with a tiny pinch of sea salt in seven glasses of water a day and see if your mental and physical health improves.

    Why try everything all at once? If the Water Cure balances your body, after several weeks of following its simple formula,keep it up. The biggest issue I have with alternative health zealots is that they are not patient enough to wait and see if something is working long enough to let it work. If they don't feel different in a week, they ditch the Water Cure and move on to often more radical alternative treatments while others use extreme and often deadly drugs to fix their problems.


    If you have used the Water Cure for several weeks and your physical and or mental health issues continue to prevent you from living the life you desire to lead, changing your diet should be the next step in your journey. The process of attaining optimal physical and mental health would not be complete without finding what a healthy diet is for you. What type of fuel makes your engine run? If you put gasoline fuel in a diesel engine, it may run for a little while but ultimately it will quit running.

    Most of us do not go out searching for a mate with a similar blood type, so when we have children, we keep eating what makes our motor run right but it may not be what will make our children as healthy as they could be.

    Some of us have ancestors who ate certain types of foods that allowed them to reach maturity and have other children. The success of their diet led to successors who would likely benefit from eating the same types of foods their ancestors ate. Today, we are less likely than ever to have a mate with the same blood type. We are probably not just one species of human beings. We mingled and mixed with other types of human beings so what is good fuel for our mother may be toxic to us. Our parents may unknowingly be 'kitchen assasains.' What is good for one blood type may be toxic to another.

    Processed food should be eliminated by everyone so before you even think about eating for your blood type, eliminate all processed foods and see what happens. To find what is not good food for us, we can eliminate one food at a time. Stop dairy of any kind for a month and see if there is any improvement. Quit red meat for a month and see if it helps. If that doesn't help, try something else. Stop eating anything with gluetins(wheat) for a month and see if it helps. It may take time to find out what food it is that is making your body and mind operate improperly, but if you do the work, you may fix your mental and physical health problems without so much as one supplement.

    Acid/Alkaline pH Balance.

    A fish tank or swimming pool need a proper pH balance to be healthy. Most people with poor physical or mental health have an acidic pH. Go to a pool store and get some test strips to see if your urine is acidic. If you are acidic then consider adding some acidic foods to water to get back to a normal pH balance.

    Sometimes we eat foods that do not break down easily and our gut becomes alkaline. The rest of our body may then turn acidic. A toxic gut can clog up our internal fuel system and prevent toxins from being released through our urine and feces. As we build up toxins in our body, our bodies and brain may then start showing signs of stress or dis-ease. Water with a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar, in a shot glass or glass of water before meals, may cure everything that is wrong with your out of balance body and mind. Apple Cider Vinegar over a period of weeks or months will change your gut into an acidic toxin removing pool that will allow your body and brain to do what it needs to become healthy again.

    If you just can't get over the taste of apple cider vinegar to save your life, you have tried adding grape juice, apple juice, honey, cayenne, cinnamon and other things to it and you still can not drink apple cider vinegar the try lemons. While lemons do not have as much of the enzymes that apple cider vinegar has, they will help your body regain its pH balance. Add Freshly squeezed lemons in a few glass of water a day.

    Getting rid of toxins will allow your body and brain to heal itself. There are those who want to do drugs to fix what is wrong with them because they do not want to change they way the feed their bodies. What we feed our mind is just as important. The last but perhaps the first step toward excellent physical and mental help should be to believe we can. If we can not practice joyful laughter or stop to smell the roses along the way then our mental condition may be a defense mechanism that is demanding that we change our life to doing something else. Depression wants us to slow down and make decisions that will allow us to live a more fulfilling life. When we make those changes that allow us to live our life as if we loved it then those other issues in our life will be much more likely to get better. Finding opportunities to drum, sing, dance, laugh outloud and anything that makes one's heart sing is going help us regain our physical and mental health and if one does everything above and even dies then one's life will be a life well lived so what more can one do but sing one's heart-song and move on...
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    • Re: Mental Health:Apple Cider Vinegar   by  jason198563     14 y     5,791
      hhmm... eventually the sun will burn out. The human race is f***ed.
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    • Re: Mental Health:Apple Cider Vinegar   by  bluestar     14 y     5,798
      I used to drink ACV in water daily -- but somehow got outta the habit. I think I tended to take it first thing in the morning before eating breakfast (15 minutes or so). I finally am working on creating the habit again. Does it matter when you drink it or how often? Can you overdo it?
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      • Re: Mental Health:Apple Cider Vinegar   by  rudenski     14 y     6,581     1 of 1 (100%)

        Your habit was a good one. It is best to drink acv in your water, 10 minutes before your meal, as it creates a mild acid to break down the food you had in their beore and helps with digestion. 15 minutes may be what your body tells you is optimal. ACV also is a mild apetitie supprecent, so drinking before meals helps us eat smaller portions.

        I think the best meal to use ACV for is a meal where you have meat or processed food. The meat, if not chewed well will not digest properly, and even in the best circumstances digests slowly.

        I also drink ACV when I feel any mucous coming on or if I have any gurgling or stomach issues.

        If you are at your optimal weight and never get allergies then you may not need ACV. Once a day with 1 tablespoon or two sure couldn't hurt anything though and could act as preventive care... I am so healthy now from taking ACV for a few years that I almost never get sick anymore. But when I feel something going on, I amp up my occasional use to three times a day before meals. I start off with 3 tablesppons when I feels something going on and back off to one per glass as the symptoms go away.

        When I used to have allergies, I would take it three times a day. Today, I take ACV as needed. Just the fact that you are thinking about taking it again may be that your body is telling you that you need to subconsciously.

        Listen to your body and provide it what it needs...

        As far as mental health goes though, ACV can help balance one's pH and help the body release toxins more easily. Stress can toxins to be released so ACV can help mental health as well.

        I would also do the water cure as the combination is the most poerful health benefis for the least money.

        As far as too much or two little... 1-3 Tablespoons max and not because it will rot your teeth although that should be a consideration but more...because when we do too much acv it kills our taste for it. It is like eating too much of anything. When we lose our taste for it, we may not use it anymore even if it would be beneficial for our health.

        If you ever get tired of ACV and want to change up... try just adding half a squeezed lemon to a glass of water three times a day. There are some but not all of the benefits of ACV to lemon water. I alternate between the two so I don't burn out on ACV.

        I am glad to see you around. I don't come to CZ as much as I used to. I found a NDE site where they are so very friendly. I think maybe CZ burned out on my constant posts in the NDE Forum (NDE-Space) Ning.... lol... Maybe after I get my lemon water version of CZ, I will do more here....

        Y-h(The sum of every joy) soothe your days and fill your night with wonderful dreams,


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        • Re: Mental Health:Apple Cider Vinegar   by  bluestar     14 y     6,461
          hi rudi,

          Thanks very much for the information. It is very useful. i'm working on forming the habit right now. Without looking for it I have already noticed the effect it has on my respiration system. Normally, I need to take an ephedra capsule first thing in the morning (along w/two rose hips -- I fill my own capsule w/powder) to clear my sinuses/lungs for good breathing and I noticed the other day that I was clear well into late morning :) before I noticed any congestion. ACV is a less timely ritual, to say the least.

          I wish I had not gotten out of the habit of taking ACV in the first place. I bought this great book about ACV in the early/mid 70s and began the ACV in water ritual. I noticed the benefits immediately and shared my findings w/others. Sometimes I feel as tho as soon as I share some good thing I've discovered w/others, it gets programmed outta me and I forget all about it until someone comes along and reminds me. It doesnt make sense to me that I wld stop something that is working so well for me and that I have absolutely no problem doing. ACV is one of those good habits I somehow "lost" along the way. Please say a prayer and wish me luck this time. As a primary school teacher, I have a lot of challenges to my immune system :)

          I think your forum on NDE is very useful. Trying to make sense outta something like a NDE is a challenge. Your memory of yours is incredible to me. While I do feel that each of us experiences such an event thru our own language of symbols, so to speak, there are many similarities/patterns with others' experiences. I think a lot more of us experience such events without realizing/remembering them at all.

          And much gratitude also to Rising Sun for helping to keep the benefits of ACV alive :)
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    • Re: Mental Health:Apple Cider Vinegar   by  YOURENCHANTEDGARDENER     11 y     3,828

      Is this working? I am not able to post new messages on my blog.

      june 9, 2013
      11:58 pm
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    • Re: Mental Health:Apple Cider Vinegar   by  kerminator     11 y     3,645

      Great summery... Thanks for the info...

      Will let other's see this...

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