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Re: My sister has cured her high blood about 2 months
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Published: 23 y
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Re: My sister has cured her high blood about 2 months

My sister and husband follow the Blood Type Diet strickly.
They eat no processed foods, juice daily, Superfood, Lima French Atlantic Sea Salt (no table salt ), drink lots of water, and are buying mostly organic. My sister who had high blood pressure also does vigorous exercise 4 to 6 times a week (step aerobics and tae bo). They do not look at the Blood Type Diet as a "diet", but rather a new lifestyle of eating fresh unprocessed foods...they feel great!

I don't know just how high my blood pressure got because I did not go back to the clinic...but I could feel it was high for quite some time after. I do mostly what they do but am not as strict about the Blood Type Diet . Last I checked (sister's machine) it was about 120 over 75.

They recently finished their first Bowel Cleanse with Schulze's products. I've done 3 Bowel Cleanses and will soon start a kidney, then liver cleanse.

Exercise and sweat as much as you can!


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