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Re: help! skinny w/ cellulite!
angahl Views: 14,994
Published: 18 y
This is a reply to # 947,282

Re: help! skinny w/ cellulite!

Hi there!

Here's some advice for you... I hope it helps!

Yoga, Body brushing and cardio - a great combo for preventing cellulite (along with diet of course). These 3 keep your circulation going. Try aim for a 20-30 min cardio session (such as your walking) 7 days a week (i.e. everyday) and yoga 2-3 times a week. Body brushing once every day using a nutural body brush or loofah (avoid nylon as this damages the skin).Try body brushing for 10-15 min before your shower in the morning or evening.

With regards to your weight - avoid the bad fats (heated fats found in margarine, fried, and convenience foods)and replace these with the good fats (cold pressed organic flaxseed oil, olives, raw nuts and seeds, avocados). The good fats help your endocrine/hormonal system work optimally - which is the system in charge of you weight. Also by keeping out the bad fats - cellulite will dissappear.

and a note on water - drink when you are thirsty (learn to listen to your body), no need to consume large amounts, this will only strain your kidneys.

So all together: 20 - 30 minutes of cardio daily, 20- 30 minutes of sunshine daily (early in morning or late evening - not midday sun!), consuming good fats (but not too many as even too many good fats can drain your energy - try 5 - 10 olives or 1 avocado daily, or a handful of nuts and seeds daily, also corn on the cob contains your essential fatty acids. All of the above help to optimise the workings of the endocrine glands (hormonal system)to help stabalise your weight etc. You also need to avoid all endocrine/hormone disrupters - too much or too little exercise, too much or too little sunshine, chronic stress, heated fats, preservatives , additives, not enough sleep, foods such as gluten etc.

Hope this little bit of info helps, sorry i'm in a rush :)

Nutrition consultant in training

You are welcome to email me for more information! x


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