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Need Advice
ChloesMommy725 Views: 1,581
Published: 18 y

Need Advice

I have had Chronic-Fatigue-Syndrome (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome)for several years and have tried several different diets and cleanses with little to no results. I am ready for a change as I KNOW foods and toxins are causing a lot of my symptoms. I'm exhausted all the time, easily worn out, foggy, headaches, sluggish etc. Sugar, white flour and soda, to name a few, make me feel flu-like after eating them, but I still find myself craving and giving into these things. If it was just me I'd ban it from my house but my husband is the exact opposite of me -picture of health and can eat literally ANYTHING and it doesn't affect his weight or health. He eats horribly and feels great and I eat anything and feel like I'm dying. He just doesn't understand and no matter how much pleading and explaining - he just DOESN'T get it. He says he does but next day he's toting home ice cream. He is often bringing home stuff or offering me things I want to taste but don't want to feel the effects of after I eat it. I'm just so tired of the cycle of it. I feel like I could possibly benefit from a raw diet because I followed something close to it (but not completely raw) during my last year of college and felt the best I ever had. It was like a fog had lifted and the sun came out ... only then I got married and slowly drifted into my husband's poor eating habits as we lived with his family for the first year and ate what they ate (raising six kids and having a full house including us meant cost cutting meals - so not so healthy). Now we are established on our own and I can afford healthy foods but I just find it difficult to wrap my mind around learning complicated recipes, soaking things, and trying to figure out how to eat things I've never even heard of. Not to mention I have the worlds smallest kitchen (literally it's a hole in the wall) and I just don't have room for lots of equipment for soaking and juicing and storage of different foods. Is there a simplified approach to this lifestyle that I can implement easily??? As my husband will not convert and it can get expensive buying special food for me if it's going to be a complicated regimen ... plus I have to make stuff for him so I don't want to have to prepare too many things at once. I hope I'm not sounding whiny here ... I just NEED SIMPLE. I think I've failed at many diets in the past because they were complicated and didn't fit our lifestyle so I ended up giving up. If anyone would like to form some type of buddy accountability system I would greatly enjoy that as it's too easy to give up with no support or help!


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