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Re: Seborrheic Dermatitis almost gone now!
timco Views: 22,975
Published: 20 y
This is a reply to # 724,270

Re: Seborrheic Dermatitis almost gone now!

Did you experience any hair loss with the sebhorraic dermatitis? I'm going through some hair loss now and am extremely suspicious at this point that candida is causing, or at least severely agravating, the problem. I also have Acne on my back (though not so much on my face oddly enough), and the odd thing is that I only notice hair fall-out when my scalp itches, and whenever my scalp itches, I always get concurrent inflammation and itching on other parts of my body as well (like a little eczema flare-up on my arms or an Acne break-out on my back).

This is why I think this is all related and that candida may be the root cause (as opposed to standard male pattern baldness). I still have a ton of hair left and so far only I can tell that I seem to be balding, so I want to try to figure this out and halt or reverse the process as soon as possible.



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