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Re: My IC (Interstitial Cystitis) is healing!
AvocadoGirl Views: 38,641
Published: 21 y
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Re: My IC (Interstitial Cystitis) is healing!

I am so sorry I haven't looked at this posting in a while. My heart goes out to everyone that is struggling with this damn disease. I am happy to say that I no longer have days when I feel IC symptoms - I have nearly forgotten that it was ever a part of me. This is an incredible change considering the nights I spent crying myself to sleep.

I will explain the protocol quickly and refer you to a website. I did not treat myself - I stumbled upon a year and a half ago. I read up on the philosophy and followed the diet suggestions to a "T" for a few months before contacting Dr. Brizman. There was also a Yahoo group of patients treating under Dr. Brizman that I lurked on for a good while. I finally got up the courage to call and begin treatment and that is the one thing in my life that I am most happy I did.

My understanding is that IC is aggravated by acidic foods - stop these at once. (tomoatoes, citrus, seeds of any kind). Candida is often the underlying cause of IC - so stop ALL sweets amd starcjes at once and anything with vinegar. (ketchup, mustard, etc). In other words, you may eat any fresh meats and any fresh green vegetables. Within a few days my symptoms had decreased.
At some point, your body goes through candida die off (flu, cold mucus etc). Your body must repeat this to fully cleanse.

It was not until 6 months into treatment that I could tell there was any difference. I have been eating the same diet for more than 1/5 years now - and frankly, I don't miss the crap that I used to put in my body. At this point, I can eat lemon or tomatoes and anything acidic.

I hope this helps somewhat.



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