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My IC (Interstitial Cystitis) is healing!
AvocadoGirl Views: 39,729
Published: 22 y

My IC (Interstitial Cystitis) is healing!

This message is for anyone out there who is suffering with IC. I did so for almost a year before I found a support group and a doctor who has successfully treated me. I am not taking something to mask symptoms - I have entirely changed my body and I am taking herbs to cleanse my body.

It was very difficult for me to find something that worked -
If you would like to chat privately about this, please email me. I absolutely hate the people that spam these message boards trying to sell products/services. I am just trying to help anyone who has experience the pain and Depression that I once experienced.

Traditional medicine is bunk! My doctors said there was no cure and that I would have to take meds for the rest of my life. Bull@#$! After 1 year of treatment, I am symptom - free living proof. I love it!

Even if you don't contact me, please keep in mind that there is no quick cure for IC. It took years for your body to get to this state of toxicity - it sometimes takes at least a year or more to reverse it.

Light and Love,


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