Gosh don't you just HATE gallbladder attacks. I had a baby six-months ago and I would rather go through that, than the horrible ripping pain through my back and chest. I know where you are at it is not a fun place to be and it is quite scary. You become afraid to eat, agitated because you are hungry and just feel frustrated and hopeless about your health. But... I found something that works for me when I have a gallbladder attack.
I take 1 tbs of epsoms in 1c of grapefruit. I have had to do this only once, but it worked very, very well for me. I went from having an attack at least once of month to not having one in 3months. Diet modification, liver flushing, daily moving of bowels have been the secret to my success.
You have to listen to your body. You know what it can handle and what it cannot. Do as I do, give it to God. Let him work on it. And trust yourself!!