Re: New age believe and Christian believe.
Dogma (or Doctrine) in Conflict
A Comparison of New Age Belief and Christian Belief
Written by Carolyn Chapman
Preface: We wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers in heavenly place. This spiritual battle includes an attack against Christian Dogma. The Bible is God's word which is and shall always be the Christian's guide for doctrine. But a new world view from Satan himself is being taught word-wide by spirit guides as men listen to the inner voices of so called enlightened Masters. From my readings of Newage literature, especially from 'A Course in Miracles,' the following booklet sums up what I interpret New Age doctrine to be. The doctrine of the Newage lays the foundation for an apostate church. A good understanding of Newage doctrine is important. May this outline help your understanding.
New Age Belief
Biblical Belief
Atonement means "at-one-with" the God Force. Cosmic consciousness brings this At -one -ment with God, nature and all things. "Attunement" not atonement brings one into the Holy Place. Attunement is the balancing of the universal forces by tuning into the cosmic subconscious.
The Blood or Jesus Christ is the atoning sacrifice for the sins of the world. This sacrifice has been accepted before the mercy seat of Almighty God. By the atonement sin is covered, purged and pardoned. Man is restored into fellowship with God upon faith in Christ's atoning sacrifice.
Romans 5:9,11
Hebrews 2:17, 9:13
Matthew 26:28
Mark 14:24
Colossians 1:4
1 Peter 1:19
Ephesians 2:13
Angels are spirit-guides or God-beings that are always with you. Angels can be seen, encountered and communicated with while meditating or while in other forms of altered states of consciousness. Angels have the mission to encourage all into one cosmic consciousness.
Angels are created beings, and ministering Spirits to the saints. Satan also has evil angels. These we do not need to fear. If we are walking up Lightly in the faith. Angels of the Lord, as we find in the days of the apostles, appeared on special occasions as men not beasts to deliver men, speak to man, direct man, and warn man. They appeared in reality or in a vision but never in an altered state of consciousness induced by man. We are warned in scripture not to worship angels and we never read in scripture that angels are always with us.
Ps 1:11
Heb. 13:2
1 Peter 1:12
Acts 5:19:7; 30-38, 8:26,10:22
Colossians 2:16
A good book yet imperfect. It is one of many to consider. The Bible must not be interpreted from the rational mind of the ego but from the intuitive subconscious as one meditates inwardly.
The Bible is the only written Revelation of God to man that is the complete guide for doctrine, for moral Righteousness, and for life's direction. Holy Men of God were guided and inspired by the Spirit of God to write the scriptures. The word is powerful and able to save the soul.
John 5:39
1 Tim 3:16
Heb 4:12
James 1:21
2 Peter 2:20
Born Again
To be Born again is the experience or self-realization through meditation. The Christ who was born in Jesus can be born in us. This experience happens when one enters an altered state of consciousness and allows the Higher self, the collective subconscious, to direct his life.
Man is Born Again by the Spirit of God into a new relationship, a restored relationship with God. This experience follows repentance. Man must accept rationally by faith the redemptive work of Jesus Christ who died on the Cross to destroy the sinful works of darkness and give man a new life. This new life brings man into an acceptable relationship with God and enables man to live victoriously in the world because of the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit.
John 3:7
1 John 5:1,4,16
1 Peter 1:23
Christ is the incarnate spirit that is in all of us and in all creatures and matter. This spirit of monistic theology and universal oneness, can be reborn in each of us if we look inward.
Jesus Alone is the Christ the Anointed One, the only begotten Son of God. Jesus, The
Christ, is perfect God and perfect man. The moral and spiritual unity of relationship between God, the Father and the Son that was depicted by His earthly life is the same relationship that a believer in Jesus the Christ can experience as adopted sons.
Christ is in us by faith. This is a relationship that gives us power over sin. To be in Christ, means to be new creatures alive unto righteousness. Whosoever transgresses and does not abide in the doctrine of Christ does not have God. Christ is the Savior and Redeemer of the world who gives eternal life to all who believe. Christ is the head of the body which is the Church. In Christ is all wisdom and power.
Matt. 16:16,
24:23, 27:22
Luke 3:15,2:1
John 1:20, 1:4
3:26,4:29, 4:2,
66:68, 69
7:27,40-46, 20:31
Acts 18:28,2:36
Romans 12:5
1 Cor. 1:24
2 John 9
Conscience is a state or mind called consciousness that must be changed by renouncing all negative influences of fear and guilt. It is a state or mind that can find renewal as we look inward.
Conscience or consciousness is not only the convicting voice of the heart, directing a man towards a moral righteousness and it is not only an awareness of the self: but, it is a continuous healthy attitude of the heart that seeks to be void of all offense toward God.
Acts 24:16
Romans 12:5
Hebrews 9:9-14, 10:2,22,23
1 Tim. 1:5, 19, 2:9
2 Tim. 1:3
Mother earth becomes the cosmic "weaver " and divine potter. " Man is creator as God is creator. Matter is created by the mind: yet, matter is an illusion. Creator is holy mother truth and holy father love that is found eternally behind all things. Creation is an extension or the God Force that can only create its own likeness. God continues to extend his being, his essence, his love and thoughts. God did not create the ego, the humanity, or the body or man.
By a free act of God's will, He is the sole creator of the externalized universe, of a diversity of matter, of spirits, and of man for His own Glory. By His word He commanded and the world's came into existence. He created darkness and light, good and evil. Matter was created from the invisible nothingness or non- existent. Into man He breathed life and man became a living soul. God's creation is not an extension of His own essence or nature: but, His creation is totally apart from Himself. Man is created in His likeness and dependent upon God.
Gen. 1&2
Colossians 1:1-6
Psalms 148:5
Isaiah 45:7
Death is nothing to fear, as death is an illusion. Death is only a transitional state to a higher plane of complete oneness with the universe. The spirit or man is immortal and shall live again on earth by reincarnation. The cycle or reincarnation will continue until the spirit is finally totally united in the cosmic self.
Spiritual and physical death is the result of the sinfulness of man's nature. God has appointed that all men should die once, then the judgment. Physical death is a reality. The corrupt body returns to dust and the soul goes to paradise or sheol awaiting the resurrection. Spiritual death is total separation from God. Only by Faith in the physical resurrection of Jesus are we able to have victory over death and over Satan who had power over death. There shall be a second death for the ungodly. They shall be cast into hell for eternity. But there is a blessed hope for those who die in the Lord. These shall have no part in the second death.
1 Cor. 15:22,54
2 Cor. 2:10
Rom. 6:23
2 Tim. 1:10
Heb. 2:14, 9:27
Rev. 14:13
Enlightenment is received from a mystical experience only. No evidence, nor material rationality nor discernment is required. Enlightenment is the understanding that is a result or the union or man's spirit with the impersonal universal spirit.
Enlightenment is a rational, not mythical or mystical understanding of previous truth not known. Enlightenment is an experience that occurs when the eyes of the rational mind are opened to perceive new truth in God's word.
Eph. 1:18
Psalms 18:28
Faith is the continuous effort to provide the subconscious with positive thoughts according to your desire and is a complete trust in, a co-operation with, and a knowledge or the power or the subconscious mind, the God self. To create physical reality. Faith denies all negative thought and involves the practice or thought control to reaffirm your faith by searching inward to the "self" by the method of meditation. Your faith in God is your faith in yourself.
Faith is a substance within the heart of man which is from God and enables a man to believe and hope in God, and to act confidently and victoriously according to His divine plan. Faith is not an innate force of nature or a positive power of thought within man. Faith in God comes by hearing God's word; not by the creation of mental images in the mind. Faith is not presumption, but recognizes the sovereignty of God. Faith is rooted in the wisdom of God not man.
Romans 1:17, 10:17
1 Cor. 2:5
Galatians 2:20
Ephesians 2:8,3;17
Fall of Man
Man has never been separated from God by sin or by any other means. The faIl of man is but the belief that he is separate from God, a belief that the ego or man has created for himself. Man has ignored the Christ-Spirit of universal consciousness within himself. When we fear the punishment of sin and God, we fall prey to the ego and lose the Christ mind. Man is asleep in a dream until he realizes he is God. Man has only to realize that he is united with God and is God. Man fell when he lost the realization or who he truly was. He forgot how to discover the self within. Man became more centered toward the ego and not the "self. " The true self is discovered in meditation. Since the faIl, man has been tuned into the wrong channel. When man lost contact with God he lost the ability to center himself to that God-light within. Man fell when he used his own mind to determine between good and evil and usurped authority of God that is received from the inner intuition or the universal mind.
The fall of man happened when Adam and Eve sinned or discovered God by partaking of the forbidden fruit. The fall was of a physical nature because man's body became mortal, and man would now have to suffer and work hard. The fall was of a spiritual nature because man lost a right relationship with God. Man was separated from God by sin and has fallen short of the glory of God. The image of God in which man was created was now marred by sin. Man's nature becomes sinful by birth for Adam's sin resulted in the sinfulness of all humanity.
Genesis 3
Romans 5:12-19
1 Cor. 15:22
Eccl. 7:20
Romans 3:23
Fear is the negative emotion or the ego which is the root cause or all imbalance and trouble in the world. Man needs not to fear God or anything, but to realize his full potential as creator through the mind. All fear dissolves in the universal mind.
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. There is a difference between a destructive fear, a warning fear that protects us and a reverential fear for those who are in authority. Fear of God is a reverential love and respect for the sovereignty of God that results in a willing obedience and submission to his will.
1 John 4:18
2 Timothy 1:7
Proverbs 8:13, 9:10
Romans 13:7
Ephesians 5:21
1 Peter 2:18
Forgiveness is not perceiving others according to physical and negative perceptions of the ego. Forgiveness is not the forgiving of faults. We know that others are a part or you and or God that is the "self, " perfect and omnipotent. Forgiveness is accepting others. When we perceive wrongs in others we are only mirroring the negative thoughts or our own perceptions that must be renewed by the constant inward transformation of the mind.
Forgiveness isn't ignoring the reality of sin in others: but, accepting one another in spite of all wrongs and treating others with the merciful love of God. If another repents, we are to forgive him. If we forgive others for the wrongs against us, then God can forgive us for our trespasses. Forgiveness is the act of facing the reality of our own sin before God. God is faithful who will forgive us.
1 John 1:9
Matthew 6:14,15
Mark 2:7:10
Luke 17:3,4
James 5:15
Romans 4:7
God is the universal impersonal mind force, energy force, or universal consciousness that is beyond any good or evil. God is absolute love and never judges. God is incarnated in every human. God and nature are one. The heavenly Father's physical body is the sun. The heavenly Mother's physical body is the earth. God is darkness and light. God is in everything and everything is in God.
God is a spirit who is creator or all things and who transcends all things. God is love, yet His holiness demands perfect justice. God is a person showing will, emotions, and f consciousness. God is life, self-existent, and immutable. God is infinite, all knowing and all powerful. God is absolute perfection and all truth. God is everywhere but God is not matter. He is the God of the living. In Him is no darkness.
1 John 1:5
Ecc. 5:2
Acts 17:23-29
John 4:24
Luke 20:38
John 5:26
Eph. 1:9
Exodus 3:14
Psalms 139:7, 147:5, 113:4,5
Gifts of
the Spirit
The gifts or the Holy Spirit can be psychic phenomena which are operable through the subconscious and made manifest through the individual psychic mind. These gifts help to lead an individual to health, success, and self-discovery.
The gifts of the Holy Spirit are given by a personal Holy Spirit to individuals as He chooses for the purpose or honoring God, and edifying the believers. The gifts operate through the conscious rational mind by the power or the indwelling Holy Spirit.
1Cor. 12 & 14
Heaven is a reality now. Heaven is not a place but a state or cosmic consciousness, or a state or monistic bliss or all things. Heaven is a vibrational level that we can tune into and listen to. Thoughts created in this heaven become reality. Heaven is the original natural state or all existence.
Heaven is a literal beautiful place or peace and perfection which is created by God for everyone who's name is found written in the book or life. Heaven will be a reality for the Christian after the millennium.
Rev. 21 & 22
John 14:1-6
Rev. 2:7
Mark 10:30
John 3:15
Titus 1:2
Hell is an illusion. Hell doesn't exist. Hell only exists as a state or mind which man creates for Himself.
Hell was created for the eternal destruction of Satan and his angels. But all those who's name is not written in the book of life shall be cast there. It is a place of eternal torment and separation from God.
Rev. 20:13,14
Matt. 5:29,30
10:28, 23:33, 22:13
2 Peter 2:4
The Holy Spirit is the cosmic conscious intuitive force which guides you From within the mind. The Holy Spirit dispels the belief of guilt and sin by reprogramming the subconscious mind and creating new realities. Sin and guilt as considered illusions of the rational mind.
The Holy Spirit is the Third person of the trinity who convicts the world or sin, righteousness and judgment. The Holy Spirit works within the believer and manifests the power or God through them and for them who believe. The Holy Spirit is their comforter, teacher, and guide.
John 16:7-15
Acts 2:4
Idolatry is the worship of negative ideas and realities created by the rational mind.
Idolatry is the worship or all images and gods other than Yahweh.
CoI. 3:5,6 Rev. 21:8
Ex 20:3-5
1 Cor. 6:9, 10:14,
Gal 5:19,20
The Real Self is your Higher self, a universal consciousness common to all people and things. The inner self is the mind-soul.
The inner man is the spiritual man that grows and develops as we make Christ the center of our life. Our consciousness, will, intellect and emotions are directed by the desires of the inner man or the carnal man. This is the difference between the unregenerate man and the redeemed man. Transformation or the inner man is the work or God within man, as one submits himself to God. The Christian is transformed by the renewing of His mind.
Eph. 3:16,17
4:17-23, 2:1-6
2 Cor. 5:17
Romans 12:,2
Jesus was like Buddha, Confucius, Brahman. He too realized He was God by Leaching altered states of consciousness or Christ conscious- ness. He did not suffer or die, let alone for the sins of the world.
Jesus is the only Christ the son of the living God. He was both perfect man and perfect God: incarnated as human flesh to taste death for every man that all might believe and be saved. Jesus is the image of the invisible God. Jesus is creator of all. Jesus is the completeness of God in human flesh.
Matt. 16:16, 1:21,23
Hebrews 2:9
Co. 1:1, 5-18
Col. 2:9
Neither God nor the Holy Spirit judges or punishes sin. Judgment is an illusion of the rational mind. God is love only. We are to judge no one.
All judgment of man has been given to Jesus the Son. He who became sin for us can judge sin. The Christian shall be judged according to his words. After death is the judgment. The righteous character of God demands punishment for sin, and rewards for righteousness. Eternal judgment remains for all who obey not the gospel of Jesus Christ.
John 5:22-30
2 Thess 1:6-9
Hebrews 9:28,
2 Peter 2:9
of Heaven
The kingdom of Heaven is within you.
Kingdom is the monistic reality of altered states of consciousness. Mind is spirit. Mind is God. Mind is heaven.
Jesus inaugurated the kingdom of God that is a spiritual kingdom. Repentance of sin and spiritual rebirth is necessary to live in this kingdom. God does rule and reign now within the hearts of believers. He has become Lord of their lives. This is the kingdom of God within you. The desire of believers is to do His will. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the message of the kingdom. The physical kingdom of God will occur when Jesus reigns during the millennium. Heaven is also an eternal kingdom for the believer.
Matt. 3:2, 5:3-20
Luke 17:20,21
John 3:3-5, 18:36
Romans 14:17
1 Cor. 4:20, 6:9
Col 1:1, 3,14
2 Peter 1:11
Hebrews 1:8
All knowledge, past, present, and future is available to all who will look within and listen to the voice of the universal consciousness or the collective subconscious mind.
Knowledge is knowing what is Good and evil. Knowledge begins with the fear of the Lord. True understanding is knowing a personal God. In Jesus Christ is all wisdom and knowledge
Genesis 2:9
Proverbs 1:7, 9;10
Colossians 2:2,3
Your purpose in life was chosen by the higher self. Each must discover and life according to that higher purpose.
The Christian's life purpose is to fulfill God's will. With all Godliness we are to conform our lives to be like Jesus. Morally we are to obey His commandments. As individuals we are to mature and grow in the knowledge or God unto the full measure and statue or Christ. We ate to be lights in a world or darkness and salt in an unsavory society of sin.
Romans 12:1,2
Philippians 2:1,3
1Timothy 2:4
Eph. 4:13, 2:10
Matt 5:13,16
Love is the vibrational current that flow1s within the universal consciousness of man. Self-realization is the perfection of love which views others with the realization that they are one with you, perfect in love, perfect as perceived by the mind in altered states of consciousness. Where there is love there is no judgment.
Love is a moral refection of God's character in us. Love is a moral response to others demonstrated by a genuine concern, good deeds, and kindness. Love seeks to do God's will and seeks the best interest of others.
1 Cor 13
Galatians 5:14
Man is one mind or spirit, not flesh. The spirit of man is called the incarnate of God. Man is a part of God. Mind is also referred to as love, the Holy Spirit, Truth, the Higher self, the universal consciousness. Man is not a sinner, but perfect. Man is autonomous with inherent powers of the Gods to create reality or to heal. Body senses, sensuality and sexuality is a divine gift.
Man is body, soul and spirit. Man is created by God and for God. Because of sin, man has a fallen nature that can only be restored through faith in Jesus Christ. Man is answerable to God for his life and dependent upon the mercies of God for salvation.
I Thess 5:23
Ephesians 2:8,9
Romans 3:22-24
Psalms 51:5
1 Cor 15:22
Mind is energy that vibrates in all things. Mind is spirit.
The inner man of the heart has the ability to think, know, and discern yet, the heart and soul of man must not be misinterpreted as the brain-mind of man.
Ephesians 3:16 Colossians 3:10 Ephesians 4:23
2 Cor 15:22
Miracles are all positive thought changes perceiving life as manifested by the cosmic conscious. Miracles are the process of creating yourself as God through the mind. Miracles are the correcting of misconceived truth set forth by dogmas of religions. Miracles are the methods that unite minds and that aim to restore the awareness of a mystical reality. Miracles aid man in the realization that man can do anything and that all things are possible through the mind.
Miracles are wrought by God through faith in the name of Jesus. Miracles are supernatural physical or spiritual changes that cannot be explained by the natural understanding of man. Faith in God must be exercised in order to see miracles happen. The powers of evil can work deceiving wonders as well but these cannot compare to Divine miracles.
Mark 9:39
John 14:12
Revelation 16:14
As one discovers the inward self, He establishes His own ethics based upon his own experiences and realities of the higher self.
The Bible is the guideline for Christian absolutes of right and wrong. Man is morally responsible to God and must conform to the standards of biblical teaching and by being transformed by the spirit of God so that he is able to live Light and holy in the sight of God.
2 Timothy 3:16
Ps 119:11,103
1 Peter 1:23
2 Peter 1:19
Hebrews 4:12
Prayer may be misinterpreted as meditation. "Contact with God through meditation is realized when one experiences a mystical union of all things. They experience this non-verbal communication in the mind by going inward. Others place verbal prayers on a lower level of communication with God than that of meditation.
Prayer is verbally communicating with God by asking, praising, thanking, interceding or listening. The rational conscious mind is alert during prayer. God hears and answers our prayer from His throne in heaven.
Luke 11:2
Matthew 14:38
1 Kings 8
Reincarnation is the continuous cycle of birth, death, and rebirth. In Hinduism it is called "samsara. By continuous meditation and achieving God consciousness, an individual may break the wheel of samsara and enter an eternal blissfulness of Consciousness. The impersonal karmic force of nature decides the future of each individual.
As Jesus was resurrected from the dead, so shall the believer be bodily resurrected. Jesus conquered the forces of sin and death. The believer's mortal body shall put on immortality. Spirits shall be reclothed with heavenly bodies at the resurrection of the just. The unjust shall be resurrected only to face judgment and the second death.
I Corinth 15
Luke 14:14,20:36
John 5:29,11:24
Acts 24:15
Rev 20:5,6
Romans 6:5
Repentance is not necessary because sin does not exist. Repentance would only mean the negation of such a belief in sin.
Man has fallen short of God's glory: therefore, man faces the Judgment of God unless He repents of his sin. Repentance leads to salvation, for Jesus came into the world to save sinners. He offered Himself as a sacrifice and an atonement for sin. He became sin for us that man might become righteous before God. Repentance demands genuine sorrow for sin and a turning away from the unrighteous path.
Acts 2:38,3:19, 17:30,26:20, 20:21
Matthew 3:8
Romans 2:4
2 Cor. 7:10
2 Peter 3:9
All truth lies within man. Revelation is an experience of an individual who seeks inward For truth. The process of channeling, tarot cards, palmistry and other psychic methods maybe considered methods of special revelation. Revelation is a continual and evolutionary process.
Jesus Himself was the revelation of the father. "He that hath seen me has seen the Father. " The Bible is the only written revelation of Divine truth.
2 Tim 3:16,17
John 14L
Ps. 11:7,34:15-19
Proverbs 1:30
Righteousness is the right-use of all things. Man must learn to use herbs and the mind according to nature's plan. Righteous instruction arises intuitively from within man. As man listens to his intuitive voice, instead of his rational voice, man separates himself from the negative forces such as fear and guilt. This is the cleansing of the Flesh.
Righteousness is the path of godliness. Righteousness is uprightness before God. The righteous man lives according to the perfect and just character of God and walks according to the commandments set forth by God in His word. It is the way of the righteous that shall finally find life. Righteousness is the absence of every evil deed, such as lying, stealing, fornication, idolatry, jealousy, pride, and adultery. Because "all have sinned, " The Christian is clothed with the righteousness of Christ at the time he is saved. He is not saved by his own good works. Good works cannot get you into heaven, but evil works can keep man out. Man's own righteousness is unworthy in God's sight but Christ's righteousness by faith can be imputed to our account.
Romans 4:6, 6:13
Titus 3:5
1 Peter 2:24
Salvation is the realization that you are God. Man is saved from the old ways of thinking and saved from the belief in the guilt of sin. The cross is not redemptive in itself. Christ did not die for our sins. To admit such is to loose your salvation. The right path to God is the way that satisfies you. Salvation comes from within. Meditative and psychic experiences are the transformational forces of life. The mind is transformed by listening to the intuitive self instead of the rational ego.
Salvation is the divine reconciliation of God and man. Salvation is the removal of sin and the victory over sin by the sacrifice of Jesus for the sin and the imputation of Christ's righteousness to every believer. Man is saved by faith in Jesus and by the peace of God, not by his own merit or works. Salvation is justification. The believer stands before God must as if he had never sinned. Salvation is regeneration. Man becomes a new creature in Christ Jesus and by the power of the Holy Spirit is quickened to live righteously. Salvation is rebirth. By faith we are born spiritually into the family of God.
Acts 4:12,16:31,
Rom 1:16, 10:10
Heb 5:9
Eph 2:5-8
2 Cor. 5:17-21
John 1:12
We are our own savior. We can each become a Christ by reaching Christ-consciousness.
Jesus is the Savior of the World. There is salvation in none other. "There is no other name given among men whereby we must be saved. " As Savior, He died for the sins or the World and paid the penalty for sin.
Acts 4:12
Luke 2:11
John 4:42
Ephesians 5:23
Titus 3:6
View 1 ~ Satan is our collective ego. Satan is the voice of reason and common sense. Satan rules the ego not the Higher self. Satan leads men to believe in sin and guilt and fear. Satan is the creation of a fallen human consciousness.
view 2: Satan is the guardian of the past, the keeper of the memories of the subconscious. Satan must not escape to the conscious mind or death and suffering become realities. Lucifer is the Christ.
Satan was an Angelic Being in Heaven but because of Pride and insurrection to the authority or God, he was cast out or heaven and is now the temporary ruler of this world. Satan is the Father or lies. He is the Deceiver, leading men away from Christ. Satan and his angels shall be cast into the eternal lake or fire just after the millennium.
1 Peter 5:8
2 Cor. 4:4
John 12:31
Rev. 20:10
Ezekiel 28:1-10
Second Coming
The second coming is the experience of self- realization. The second coming is the end of ego's rule and the realization of self as God. The second coming happens for each individual when He yields to the cosmic consciousness of altered states. This is when the Christ Spirit entered 2000 years ago. Each individual can become "Christ" as they yield to the God-force.
Jesus of Nazareth is the incarnate son of God. This was the first coming of Jesus. He came to put away sin by sacrificing himself. The second coming shall be according to prophecy. He shall literally return with glory and honor to set up His earthly kingdom. In that day, the day of the Lord, all principalities and powers shall be conquered. Righteousness shall be established. Christ shall appear at the end of time with the saints to reign a thousand years on this earth before a new heaven and a new earth is established. The rapture of the Church shall occur before the actual reappearing of Christ on this earth. At this time the Church shall meet the Lord in the air.
Matthew 14
1 Thess 5:5
Hebrews 9:28
Sin is an illusion. Nothing separates man from God. We are not held accountable for past sin. There is no retribution of sin.
The belief in sin, not sin itself, is the cause of fear and guilt that must be transformed by a new consciousness.
All have sinned. Sin separates man from a Holy God. Sin is the root cause of the ills of society. Sin must be atoned for. Jesus has made that atonement for sin. Repentance brings forgiveness and cleansing, uniting again both man and God.
Rom 3:23, 5:12-21
1 Cor 15:3
Suffering View 1
Suffering is only an illusion. There is no suffering in the realm of the cosmic self. Suffering can only be experienced as we create it for ourselves by the ego, our own rational mind.
View 2
Suffering is the result of the perfecting and working out of the cosmic consciousness of evolutionary man.
Throughout time, the Christian's call is not only to believe on Jesus but to suffer for Him. All suffering for Christ shall one day transform into glory. He who suffers for Christ shall live and reign with him. Man is born in sin and shaped in iniquity. Physical suffering and the discomforts of life can also be the result of the sinfulness of the human race or a failure to obey God's commandments.
Philippians 1:29
Romans 8:18
Hebrews 5:8
1 Peter 2:21
Man can communicate with past, present, and future spirits through altered states of consciousness. Channeling is a method of receiving knowledge from the cosmic mind or the higher self. These spirits are called entities of spirit guides. These are spirits that are awaiting reincarnation. The manifestations of Spiritism are the manifestations or gifts of the spirit.
God calls Spiritism an abomination. Man is to trust God for the past, present and future, and not trust the message of evil spirits. All Spiritism is the working of Satan.
Deut. 18:10-15
Ezekiel 13:3
Jeremiah 27:9
Isaiah 8:19,20
1 Kings 17:17,18,
Isaiah 47:9,10
Matthew 3:5
Acts 8:9-13, 13:16
Rev. 18:23
Truth is not a concept but a living spirit of the cosmic mind. Truth is not perceived by the intellect but by the intuitive mind. Truth cannot be discerned or interpreted. Truth cannot be understood apart from love and love is the eternal vibrational communicator of the cosmic subconscious. Truth is not what we know but experience. Truth is entirely subjective. Everyone has his own truth
Jesus said, " I am the way, The Truth, and The Life. " The absolute truth is only found in Jesus, for in Him is the answer to life. We can know the truth. "Thy word is truth. " The truth is the Gospel of your salvation. Truth is written in the Word of God and interpreted by the Holy Spirit who dwells within every believer. The Spirit guides us into all truth. The truth of Christ must be believed which will then set man free. All those who don't believe the truth are damned. The truth in Christ is to be obeyed. The truth is in opposition to the ways of sin and darkness.
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