> From: "Lorenzo"
> Date: Sun Feb 3, 2002 9:35 am
> Subject: Re: [allergies] Digest Number 528
> Well here is my story:
> I was once desperate enough to change my eating
> "Religion" to a more healthy choice of foods.
> Back in 1950; I had serious problems. Then I found a book by Gaylord
> Hauser; He told how as a sickly child he had been sent to a Sanitarium to
> be taken care of until he died.
> The Sanitarium people fed him fresh vegetables and fruits and meats and nuts
> and whole grain breads.
> He recovered to Robust good health and was a "Health Guru" of the early
> 1900's.
> Convinced to try anything at age 23 I threw out the Sugar and flour from my
> kitchen, (I was not married that day), and bought some wheat germ and
> brewers yeast and other stuff and ate only fresh stuff. Including meat. No
> Milk because I was very reactive to that.
> There was no immediate change---even thought I kept looking for one--but I
> persisted and persisted---about one year later after I had quit looking for
> daily changes I suddenly realized that I was working all day with no pain or
> fatigue. I went on to obtain a College Degree that I never would have had
> the energy to complete before I changed what I ate.
> Now I am 75 and most probably can easily outwork you.
> Is that the help you want?
> Can you do that?
> I know it is very hard to change your tastes to eat only stuff that you have
> to clean and cook yourself, eat some raw veggie or fruit or a bit of rare
> steak most every day. EAT Nothing that comes in boxes. EAT nothing that
> has ingredients, Just things that have the singular "ingredient" Not
> plural, only singular; as ingredients = carrots. (except Sea Salt .) This
> all has to be modified somewhat - no-one can go that strict.
> Hope it helps somebody ==it did help me.
> On Saturday you can eat goodies and once a week you can eat whatever a
> friend serves at their house.
> Today read the Linus Pauling books- carefully!
> Do not believe the Garbage about not eating saturated fat and that you
> should eat lots of bread- That was out of date twenty years ago---
> For more information:--come to my list and we can discuss that ----Don't
> worry ---I have nothing to sell and my list is not very active as I mostly
> tell people to read other lists that I find helpful before asking me what to
> eat.
> Just send and Email to: CaveManFood-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
> Good Luck
> Best Regards, Lorenzo
> Hi Lorenzo
I am very interested in the type of diet you have listed here, I have heard a lot of good things about it. My main question is, do you know if it is known to lower blood pressure?? I am 38 and have very high blood pressure which I am on two types of medication for.