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Image Embedded Another spark
Lapis Views: 2,332
Published: 20 y
This is a reply to # 28,645

Another spark

Yup...the positve energy of raw food is a truth that seems to be found buried deep in our consciousness and more people are awakening to it. It seems to go with increased spiritual awareness/consciousness. It just makes sense to the core. Fits the internal milieu as well as the external...true harmony beyond the collective lie.

I find this paradigm to be balanced and creative/expansive thus echoing the true nature of spirit.

Law of attraction is at work here in this paradigm as well. Those who are doing the inner work are attracting the rewards on many levels. Spiriutal congruency = health = joy.

Joyful individuals, joyful families, joyful communities, joyful interdependent global families and beyond.... this is unity in the true sense of the word.

I guess you could say that the raw lifestyle resonates with my own unique song.


Together we can combine our songs into a grand symphony.

Raw's song is a masterpiece! about help with the cleaning..hmmmmmm.


Yup...the positve energy of raw food is a truth that seems to be found buried deep in our consciousness and more people are awakening to it. It seems to go with increased spiritual awareness/consciousness. It just makes sense to the core. Fits the internal mileau as well as the external...true harmony beyond the collective lie.

I find this paradigm to be balanced and creative/expansive thus echoing the true nature of spirit.

Law of attraction is at work here in this paradigm as well. Those who are doing the inner work are attracting the rewards on many levels. Spiriutal congruency = health = joy.

Joyful individuals, joyful families, joyful communities, joyful interdependent global families and beyond.... this is unity in the true sense of the word.

Raw fits! about help with the cleaning..hmmmmmm.



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