Sharkman I know this post is from 4 yrs. ago but I’m very well of your guidance and advice here. Actually I’m always so grateful as your one of the few that have truly helped my 4 yr long daily battle of addressing parasites. (I’ve struggled with debilitating illness for 13 yrs / resulting in 15 unexplainable but major surgeries to pelvic floor and colon while entering the prime of my life ). I noticed you mentioned you had a contact of a Parasiitologist or sim in Central Florida. I’m in Atlanta GA but am from Central Florida so I still have plenty of family there
Is there any way to get this information from you?
I am so desperate at this point.
PS. I did just have a root canal cleared but a Bioidentical oral surgeon. After a cone beam we found a massive infection below. I believe this is the root of everything and also the root as you why I could never make significant progress. However I’m certain if I can get beyond this last stage in my recovery, my WHOLE world will change.