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Re: High Cortisol and TSH: need solutions
joegrane Views: 1,527
Published: 7 y
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Re: High Cortisol and TSH: need solutions

Were you amped up or had anxeity on the day of the test?

Did you have typical fatigue on the day of the test?

Is anxiety a bigger problem than fatigue?

What are you doing for the anxiety?

Have you tried to include USRDA levels of magnesium--maybe the glycinate form, GABA, B vitamins, maybe a small dose of lithium aspartate supplement if your personality can be somewhat intense?

Doesn't the TSH seem strangely high relative to the rather normal levels of the other thyroid hormones?

TSH is a pituitary hormone. Essentially it is part of the brain's regulation of thyroid hormone production. I wonder if there is an issue in the pituitary.

Taking a small dose of DHEA might help with production of testosterone and help somewhat with balancing cortisol. Presumably you'd do a followup test of relevant hormones. I think it is wise to be aware of commonly reported symptoms of taking too much. Heart palpitations is one. It is best to work with a doctor who does hormone balancing.

Was your estrogen much higher than testosterone relative to the reference range, for example, slightly low T but Estrogen in the center third of the normal range.

I assume you are a young adult.

At some point you'll want to consider things that can cause or contribute to most or all of your symptoms. Heavy metals is one.



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