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High Cortisol and TSH: need solutions
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Published: 7 y

High Cortisol and TSH: need solutions

On May, 2018, I took 4X Saliva cortisol test and find out that I have high cortisol during noon, evening and night time. I do have trouble sleeping and wake up middle of the night and can't go back to sleep. Also have issue with Fatigue, tiredness, anxiety, depression, mood swings, can't loose belly fat, low testosterone, high blood sugar, brain fog, mood swing, trouble concentrating and remembering things. Here's a result using Lab Corp.

Morning: 6.8 (3.7-9.5 ng/ml)
Noon: 4.3 (1.2-3.0 ng/ml)
Evening: 4.0 (0.6-1.9 ng/ml)
Night: 1.3 (0.4-1.0 ng/ml)

DHEA-Sulfate - 146.4 ug/dL (102.6-416.3) Blood work as of 03/2018

Also I did thyroid panel as of May, 2018.

Free T4: 1.43 ng/dL (0.82-1.77)
Free T3: 3.3 pg/mL (2.0-4.4)
Total T4: 8.7 ug/dL (4.5-12.0)
Total T3: 109 ng/dL (71-180)
TSH: 4.940uIU/mL (0.450-4.500)

It seems my adrenal and thyroid are not working properly. High Cortisol shut down thyroid functions. I really don't want to go on steroid/medications. prefer to heal naturally. Those who suffered from adrenal fatigue and thyroid impairment, can you tell me what protocals have you used to heal glands? There is so many information on the net but still would like to hear from you guys. Any advice/suggestions would be appreciated.



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