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Grapefruit Juice working when nothing else has!!
DavidsHouse Views: 1,965
Published: 8 y

Grapefruit Juice working when nothing else has!!

I have tried everything over the years and it's gotten to the point where I can't eat anything (even organic vegetables) without feeling fatigued, irritable and tired. I still have terrible rashes on my shoulder from either Candida or Parasites. No supplements (humaworm, para free, para gone, gse extract, oregano oil) work past a certain point and generally I feel 30 years older and slower than I am.

Enter Grapefruit Juice. Have been drinking and on occassion eating nothing but this and in the last 24 hours seen a huge improvement in my mental alertness, body strength and general desire to live. I don't think it's just the Vit C, Lemon does not have the same effect nor does Orange Juice. I cannot touch anything with sugar, my entire body feels like it will explode, but Grapefruit is different. As far as clearing the Liver, I have taken other Liver Cleansing products, done liver flushes, and never felt this good. Nothing else even goes through to my body!

I only hope I keep improving and the fungii are pushed out through my stool .. does anyone know what's so specific about the juice?


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