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My EC spread due to coconut oil!
Erdem34 Views: 6,419
Published: 8 y

My EC spread due to coconut oil!

My EC was affecting some parts of top lip(especially triangular area) and whole bottom lip.I also have seb derm which started from hair then spreaded to my facial areas in time.Four days ago, for the first time i put natural virgin coconut oil on my lips.First day nothing seemed good or bad.But after applying at second day, i noticed redness on EC-free healthy pink areas of top lip then i stopped putting coconut oil.Next day, that red areas began to flaking.Today, there are still redness and flaking on that areas but it is decreased a little bit.I found interesting post from BullDancer which cured his Seb derm ;


Look what he says; "If you are putting any natural oils or butters on your face, coconut oil, jojoba oil, neem oil, tee tree oil, almond oil, lavender, oil of oregano, olive leaf oil, etc. (you’ll notice I mentioned many anti-fungals, and the list goes on)…STOP immediately!!"

" Seborrheic Dermatitis or dermatitis in general, is causing your skin to flare up because of yeast; more specifically Mallassezia yeast.This yeast grows on everyone’s skin and feeds off of the sebum (oil) that your body/skin produces. With dermatitis, you are producing more oil than normal in the areas of your flare ups, while also overproducing skin cells. The Mallassezia yeast feeds on this oil (and lipids…in soap!) and grow themselves. This causes skin irritation and flaky skin, due to the rapid oil and skin cell production. The rapid skin cell production, rapid oil, and yeast production, go hand in hand with flare ups. That said, any oil you put on your face is providing a feeding ground for yeast to thrive. Various natural oils, or creams that contain natural oils, may provide you some burning relief temporarily…but you are taking one step forward and two-three steps back! There are many oils that have anti-fungal properties that can help kill or diminish the yeast. HOWEVER, you are still providing food for them to grow! Moreover, you are providing A LOT of that food. It’s more food and growth than you are killing. Most dermatitis is also usually secluded to particular areas of your body or face and scalp. Those are the areas that are overproducing oil, while the other areas are not. So when you start adding additional oil to those areas, AND to the areas that are not overproducing, you are actually encouraging the yeast to spread to areas it normally wouldn’t. Think about it, now there is food there too! Just know that anti-fungal oils may hurt the yeast a little bit in theory, but the amount you are feeding the yeast is WAY more! Go ahead and try putting coconut oil on a flare up for a long period of time. While coconut oil can do wonders for skin…it will sky rocket and spread your flare up over time."

Another important thing to say is that my EC quitely improves in summer.Maybe sun kill yeasts and fungis or due to vitamin D factor i am not sure.But for me, the pieces came together.My EC most likely related to Seb Derm and i think most peoples EC related to seb derm too.From now on i will treat to EC as it is seb derm.Today i bought apple cider vinegar and i will try that.Thanks for reading.


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