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My Red Nose Nightmare
forevercuresearching Views: 1,475
Published: 8 y

My Red Nose Nightmare

Fist time poster here, desperate for any kind of help.

I have dealt with skin issues for over 10 years now, taking countless Antibiotics along the way, and eventually resorting to taking Accutane.

My main problem is on my nose, which became very red and stuffy around 4 or 5 years ago. I was diagnosed with Rosacea and got countless IPL laser treatments which did work but didn't address the issue completely.

I am now looking for help in searching for the root cause of my red nose and skin problems in general. I had also suffered from a consistent rash on my thigh and itch on my skin and around my anal area.

I have now come to the conclusion that I have severely damaged my insides due to Antibiotic abuse over the years, and have been trying to correct this for over a year now as my skin problems still persist.

My nose still flushes and slightly swells up when i eat most foods and is just generally red all of the time. My cheeks and other areas of the face aren't as effected as my nose is with acne/redness/dryness.

I feel i may have a candida overgrowth due to destroying my insides, which would lead to food allergies / Acne / itching / rashes on thigh.

I am currently on a HUMAWORM parasite cleanse and plan to get my bloods done to check for deficiencies.

Would i be right in saying that it could be a fungal issue, or could anyone please give me any help? It would be greatly appreciated.



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