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Help please! Dangerous or normal?
  Views: 1,312
Published: 9 y

Help please! Dangerous or normal?

I am only on day 3 of my first water fast,doing so for spiritual and health reasons. Health wise, I suffer from a low grade fatigue and slow recovery that keeps me from taking part in desired activity such as running and hiking. I feel this stems from weak k7dneys and adrenals. I consider myself an extremely healthy person (health focused vegan for 4 years, mostly raw for 1.5 years, fully raw for one month prior to fast, & have completed 2-3 15 day juice fasts yearly for the past 3 years. However, before going vegan I was extremely unhealthy, on anti depressants and Antibiotics for 10 years, & used recreational drugs for a few months) Im 23, healthy weight and no other health concerns.

I prepared for the fast with 1 month of raw food and 4 days of juice fasting. Day 1 I was suprised with how much energy I had, even more than juice fasting days. Day 2 I woke up wth highly acidic taste in my mouth, as soon as I stood up my body temperature shot drastically up, my heart rate increased drastically, extreme nausea overtook me, and I was too weak to even carry 1L water bottle. These symptoms were much less when I was lying still on my back, but persisted throughout the day and into the night. Last night was possibly one of the worst nights of my life with the nausea. Today, on the morning of day 3, the symptoms continue but much less intensely. I am definitely drinking enough water- 3-4L as my body feels.

Is this part of the process or are these signs of danger?


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