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Re: How I was cured of many mental illnesses using alternative remadies!
dave505 Views: 31,467
Published: 13 y
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Re: How I was cured of many mental illnesses using alternative remadies!

Wow Mila,

Congratulations for your efforts and coming back! It seems you really did a lot of efforts but finally they were worth it ! (don»t know if its corect in english).

I am very glad you are „back in your life“. Your mom is definitely a hero for not giving up on you. And you also. You can write a detox book now :) - very good advice on your post really.For the friends and familly who gave up on you dont worry - we are all humans sometimes afraid of what we dont understand.

regarding doctors - it takes courage and openess for a doctor to see is that „simple“ as detoxing your body rather than taking pills all your life.
I was myself in that situation last year and doctors could not make the conection between toxic body (by infections mainly) and low mood/anxiety...

I was repetedly sent to psychiatrist by gastro doctors telling me its all in my head.
As in your case and others case it was just God and my determination that finally help me somehow. I was also on prescription for drugs and I refuse to take them - this is not a way to follow before detox. My familly encourage me to take drugs as they were already tired of me :). But after reading the side effects they were the ones that throw the drugs away. Drugs are powerfull stuff and very dangerous IMO.

I am really really glad you regain your life!
Full speed ahead now,


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