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The Power of Energy Medicine

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The Power of Energy Medicine

The Power of Energy Medicine
Bob Guiel explains what muscle testing can do for you

by Poliquin Strength Institute
One of the great benefits of attending our seminars is they often include bonuses. At the Eleiko Strength Summit, for example, the Institute gave away five Olympic barbells as door prizes. Another frequent bonus at our seminars is the appearance of guest presenters. One such person is Bob Guiel of Hadley, Massachusetts. Guiel holds a master’s degree in applied clinical nutrition and practices a form of muscle testing called nutritional reflex technique (NRT). Here’s a taste of what attendees learned in his recent presentation at the Institute.

PSI: How would a person know to come see you?
BG: How? If they’re chronically sick. Often, those who end up seeing us are people who have been to five, six, maybe even 10 practitioners and haven’t gotten any better. Or perhaps they’re on six or seven medications and they’re still barely making it. Usually they are referred to us by friends who have said to the effect that “Maybe you should see these NRT guys – they might be able to help you!

PSI: Why has mainstream medicine been so slow to accept energy medicine?
BG: To many, the constructs of energy medicine seem difficult to grasp because they conflict with what they have come to consider “the norm.” The issue is that what we do in NRT is not tangible because it is not a pill you can see or a surgical procedure that leaves a physical reminder. It is difficult for many to realize that the world is not as simple as they would like to believe – for some it is even frightening, even threatening, to think otherwise. For these individuals it is easier and safer to keep the world in a box that they can understand and explain.

Bob Guiel performing nutritional reflex technique after a seminar at the Poliquin Strength Institute.
PSI: What about the objection that there is no Science to energy medicine?
BG: There are limitless natural phenomena continuously occurring all around that we cannot see or feel but which we take for granted. We know if we turn on the switch, the light goes on, but we do not see the electricity moving through the wire. We accept the fact that we can hear a song on the radio, but no one has ever seen an actual radio wave. The human body is the most amazing machine, albeit with limitless depth and soul, and a level of complexity that no other machine, however intricate, can ever match and no scientist can ever fully define.

PSI: What are the origins of energy medicine?
BG: In his book The Body Electric, Robert Becker points out how he studied low levels of electrical currents in various animals that naturally occurred to facilitate healing. He discovered that he could influence this healing process by inducing electric currents. In humans, one application of Becker’s work is the use of micro currents to promote bone growth in nonunion fractures.

In the former USSR, now Russia, similar work has been done using these same “healing currents” on plants and animals. The work strongly supports the idea that there is much more to learn about the healing properties of the human body than conventional medicine has been willing to admit. And it certainly gives credence to the notion that energy medicine does in fact have a strong scientific basis. It just has not been exposed to enough proper, honest, nonbiased research to define it…yet!

PSI: What field of Science is energy medicine based upon?
BG: The theory is based on quantum biology and describes the human body as a hologram composed of intersecting lines of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) known as “bio-energy.” Simply stated, the body has within it and surrounding it an electrical network or grid, and the EMFs are within this grid. A plethora of research confirms the existence of the human bio-energy field; and as our bio-energy blueprint, EMFs function as an archive of all the data pertinent to our well-being. These bio-energy centers or points have an intimate relationship with DNA that gives them direct regulatory access to all cellular functions. This strongly suggests that the field is primary to the physical body. Energy dictates matter, a common theory among physicists.

PSI: How does NRT differ from conventional muscle testing?
BG: NRT is a noninvasive muscle testing technique developed to pinpoint the possible causes of health imbalances in the human body. Muscle testing is basically a technique that determines if a muscle generates a strong or a weak response to a stimulus. NRT is not about testing muscle strength in the conventional sense of being able to perform various activities, but rather it is about evaluating the muscle’s ability to resist a challenge when being held in a static position. Again, it is not an assessment of true strength but rather of the body’s ability to maintain isometric position or the quality of contraction while undergoing a challenge.

PSI: Who developed it?
BG: NRT was developed by Dr. Gary Lasneski, who proposed this theory as a means of bringing balance back to the system. The world runs on vibration or frequencies. Every elemental atom has its own frequency; therefore all molecules in turn have their own unique frequencies. If anything impacts the system either positively or negatively, there is a change, in the frequencies or patters of frequencies, and the changes can be registered in muscular responses. In this manner the practitioner can place compounds such as nutrients, drugs or allergens in a client’s hand and potentially evoke certain muscular responses. Based on how these responses correlate with specific contact points on the body, one can assess the physical needs of the body and how to bring it back into a balanced state of well-being. The practitioner can easily determine if the body needs or is looking for specific nutrients or if something is good, bad or neutral in relation to a particular function of that person.

PSI: How were the contact points determined?
BG: The points used in NRT are very specific and are a result of more than 20 years of research based on Dr. Lasneski’s extensive training in physiology, pathology, human nutrition, herbal medicine and homeopathy. Contacting the body at certain “points” interacts with the energy fields that correlate directly with biochemical responses of the body, including immunity, neurology, pathology, structure, endocrinology, detoxification and emotion. Active points will respond to stimulus, and muscle contraction will falter if there is a problem or area of concern. If a point is not active, the muscle will not change its function. In this way NRT assesses the points and gains information by mapping which systems may be deficient or dysfunctional.

PSI: What happens when a system is determined to be deficient or dysfunctional?
BG: If a practitioner determines that the liver is weak, NRT can identify the specific underlying cause. Is it because of toxins, medications, endotoxins from intestinal issues, or a virus, etc.? Is it hormonal or genetic? Is it primary or secondary? If we clear up another area, will the liver take care of itself? NRT gives specific information about energy imbalances in the body, allowing the practitioner to treat the core cause. All too often practitioners of muscle testing systems simply end up saying, “Your liver is weak; here is your ‘liver support supplement’ to support your liver. And oh, your spleen is weak too; here is your ‘spleen support,’” and on and on, ultimately treating their patients allopathically as opposed to holistically. Conversely, NRT, when practiced correctly, is a true holistic model.

PSI: What has been your personal experience with NRT?
BG: Originally experiencing NRT as a “patient” was at first a little un-nerving but I soon found it to be very powerful. The dynamic of feeling “weak” or “strong” based on interaction with various points was profound, unlike any other I have had. I was nervous an apprehensive at first, but this was about 20 years ago.

PSI: What is the general reaction of your patients to NRT?
BG: Most of our patients have found that NRT is an excellent treatment tool, demonstrating remarkable results. As practitioners, we’ve found it allows us to identify very specific combinations using homeopathic remedies, detoxification protocols and precise nutritional support to best help the patient’s individual needs. Progress is easily measurable and equally easy to manage. Of course the best measure for any therapy is always results, and our patients are most often exceptionally pleased.

PSI: For those still on the edge about experiencing NRT, what would you tell them?
BG: As I said the body is an amazing “machine,” and helping it to function better is very rewarding. This electrical-muscular relationship is a very real, natural part of the human system. It is not mystical or magical. All forms of muscle testing are simply biofeedback without the fancy, expensive electronic gadgets, and are more accurate, as machines can only be programmed within the limits of human interpretation. What I would say to potential practitioners is there are many alternatives available to you. Please embrace at least one. Throw yourself into it and do whatever it takes to grasp it – for the sake of your patients. Perhaps NRT is a good place for you to start.


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