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Chronic strep throat for 3 months
naturalmommys Views: 9,316
Published: 15 y

Chronic strep throat for 3 months

I have had strep throat for about 3 months now. I take high doses of Vit C and it seems to go away but as soon as I lay off it comes back. The longest it has been away in this period of time was 2 weeks and that is when I took Ionic Silver, which I can no longer afford to buy. Even when I am 'better' I still see some white on my tonsils. This all began after a somewhat large hole in my tooth appeared from decay. I cannot afford dental care right now nor do I want them performing a root canal. Is this related?

My ear began to hurt on my last period of feeling really bad. I havent got my full hearing back in my left since (2 weeks).
I am so fatigued, depressed and unmotivated during these bouts of being ill.

I just started taking Kefir a week ago, cup in AM and cup in PM after dinner. I take at least 2-5 grams of Vit C daily. I also take Max GXL 2xs per day.
I eat a lot of raw foods, avoid processed foods most of the time. I drink smoothies everyday with greens mixed in. I stopped eating bread and cheese for the most part without going completely insane!

To make matters worse my 2 and 3 year old keep getting sick from me every time it 'flares up'! I am very into healing naturally but I am so tempted to have them yank these tonsils out of my throat! Something is clearly wrong here and I am at a loss!

Any experience with this?
Thoughts, views, insights?

Any suggestions/advice are greatly appreciated!


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