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20 years old is too young for this!
lmcdonald Views: 8,668
Published: 16 y

20 years old is too young for this!

Hi all. I am hoping someone on here can help me get the answers that I've been so desperately looking for. So, I am a 20 year old girl and have course, long black hair on my face. It use to be just the normal blonde peach fuzz that I see on some girls, but when I was about 16 I started noticing a change. It's not just one or two, I am talking maybe like 50 or so. I have to tweeze my face, etc. on a daily basis. But the hair does not stop there, it is in between my boobs, my nipples, and also what I guess you would call a happy trail.. Obviously something is wrong here. I am just wondering if someone can tell me what kind of doctor could help me out in this situation or if someone else has this problem, what has been done for you. Would I have to go to a family doctor and then be sent to some other doctor from there? I just am so embarrassed by this whole ordeal and just wish I didn't have to wear my hair down everyday to try and cover the sides of my face, in fear that people will see the facial hair. :/ Thank you to anyone that can help!


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