I suffer with colitis and have researching medical ozone. Everything I read looks great, but frankly too good to be true. I have yet to talk to someone who has had first hand knowledge on success treating colitis or herpes. I tried so many expensive "alternative cures" last year I had to be hospitalized. Now I'm on Imuran which is an immune modulator (I really don't like being on this drug). It works for the colitis, but it lowers my immune system and causes me to have herpes outbreaks almost continually. I am seeing a Naturopath doctor who suggests a program of insufflations (I'll buy a machine for this) DHEA IV's, a nutritional support program, and wants to do Auto hemo-Therapy (this costs $225 per session). I did an insufflation today and I got diarrhea. I am also considering a steam cabinet for the herpes eradication.