Wait, in confused, where you awake ?
I am at the end of my tether trying to help my elderly mum who is 85. I am 52 now and I cannot remember her having a pain free day since I was knee high to a grasshopper. Over the years she has developed many problems and I feel so helpless in not being able to help her pain despite trying different gadgets over the years. I have only one thing left to try now which are the crystals and stones. Have been doing some research and I feel I have to at least give them a try. I don't expect any healing at her age but if something can help her pain then I will feel I have achieved something. She has a long history of depression/anxiety panic attack problems (which I believe I picked up from her many years ago but would never hold it against her). She has tummy problems (diagnosis has never been made). She can't eat certain foods eg certain citrus fruits. Even drinking too much water unsettles her stomach. She has spinal arthritis which she has had for many years and is in constant pain with that, and she now has to deal with Parkinsons Disease which was diagnosed a couple of years ago. She is taking that many tablets she rattles lol. She has tried several different types of painkillers over the years, some work for a while, others don't agree with her and upset her stomach. AT the moment she has additional pain of what we think is her sciatic nerve playing her up. She can barely walk and the pain she is in is upsetting me more than her I think. She has low self esteem, depression (which is common witih Parkinsons), no confidence and feels like she just wants to be left alone to suffer in silence. I am afraid I can't do that, I HAVE TO HELP HER somehow. I try to encourage her but feel alone doing that because I have no back-up from either my sister, dad or brother, so anything I suggest is generally poo poo'd and I am in the wrong. She is getting very stubborn too which is typical of getting old.
Anyway, I have done a little reading up on crystals and would like advice please as to the right crystals / tumblestones to acquire. I believe I have to cleanse them before use and there seems to be many different ways to do this; lots of people have different ideas on this. I know they have to be charged before use, either in sunlight or moonlight? How often do they have to be charged as mum would need them at her side 24hrs a day? I also understand from research that she should chose a particular one that she is drawn to from a selection I provide. As regards the selection I understand stones from Brazil and South America are the best ones to buy as there are so many fakes around? I am in the UK, so where would be the best place to buy? How should the crystals and tumblestones be used?
I obviously have so many questions but I thought I would just give the basics first. Thanking you all in advance, Jennie
If you get a chance check out Marcel Vogel's video on therapeutic use of crystals. Much more powerful than just putting crystals around a persons body IMHO. The videos were done in the late 80's and even by today's standards are still cutting edge. You can buy Vogel style crystals on ebay rather inexpensively and they do work. PM if you have any questions.
I can't say whether or not that might help your wife as I am a bit leary of such claims. I will say, however, that there are many very good natural treatments and protocols which could likely help your wife beat cancer. Some of the best are over 80% successful even on advanced and aggressive cancers.
You can find many such protocols here in this forum - and I am talking about ones which have been proven to work using natural healing items and practices - not ones which rely on the fantastical.
$200 (the price of the "God Particle" crystal) could buy you quite a bit of powerful cancer-fighting and immune boosting items - such as oleander extract, N-Acetyl Cysteine, colloidal silver, a top quality medicinal mushroom product, inositol/IP6, colloidal silver and more.
We have found that a comprehensive anti-cancer protocol which involves a healthy diet and lifestyle, proper nutrition, supplements, toxins removal, stress managment, etc. will work the large majority of the time.
Kirilian Photo Comaprison of different Metals in Orgonite.
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